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Escape Dream update for 15 March 2023

Hint Update & Difficulty Adjustment.

Share · View all patches · Build 10779484 · Last edited 15 March 2023 – 22:26:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  1. Increased the number of save points in Stage 3.

  2. Lowered the difficulty of Stage 3.

  3. Increased the delay of some traps in Stage 3.

  4. Lowered the difficulty of some bosses and cubes in Stage 5.

  5. Adjusted the damage of some traps in Stage 5.

  6. Added a hint for Stage 6.

  7. Lowered the difficulty of Stage 6.

  8. Added a hint for Stage 7.

Bug Fix

  1. Fixed the issue of the screen freezing when the game ended during character resurrection.
Windows Depot 2230181
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