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Keep the Keep update for 15 March 2023

Keep the Keep fully released!

Share · View all patches · Build 10779052 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Keepers, rejoice!

Today is the day we finally release Keep the Keep out of Early Access!

After almost three years of development and 1.5 years in the EA, it is time to release the game and let it be for a while. And, despite being our first product of that scale, Keep the Keep has attained plenty of features over that time:

  • 50+ main Campaign levels, puzzles and AI battles alike to challenge your mind;
  • Quick AI Match - Getting a randomly balanced set of towers and fighting an AI opponent on a random map;
  • Local (hot-seat) and Online Multiplayer will allow you to enjoy battling up to 4 friends on various battlefields;
  • The Map Editor, to get all kinds of puzzles (or AI battles) designed in the game and share them with friends as .ktk files;
  • Full English and Russian localisation for 1000+ campaign story dialogue replicas, for a pretty typical-looking story that might be deeper than it seems!

So, you see, for a strategy games fan, for a tactician, for a puzzle lover there are a lot of activities to indulge in for hours and hours to come. We sincerely hope you'll get to see it for yourself!


In patch 1.23.1, we have made quite a few fixes:

  • Clearer player colours (especially green)
  • The tower removal button will appear more appropriately
  • UI/UX adjustments for the Multiplayer Lobby to properly appear on various resolutions
  • Multiplayer Lobby player colouring issues addressed
  • Automatic Quality detection should work robustly now
  • Optimised build size, got rid of some unnecessary pictures
  • Game credits got updated too, for we've gotten help with UI

What’s next?

Up to you, our dear friends!
We will, of course, see to address issues and provide speedy bug fixes in the future, but who knows?
Perhaps, you'll get really interested in the game and would like to know what happens to Keylin after the end of campaign?
Perhaps, you'd have some great suggestions for us?

We'll be happy to hear your opinions, either on the Steam discussions page or our Discord server. Looking forward to your feedback!

As for us, the studio, we'll seek project ideas for a bit and try to realize the best one to nebulate you ;)

Stay tuned!

Windows 64-bitEnglish Keep the Keep Windows 64-bit Depot 1126111
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Linux 64-bitEnglish Keep the Keep Linux 64-bit Depot 1126112
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macOS 64-bitEnglish Keep the Keep MacOS 64-bit Depot 1126114
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