Hey, long-haul truckers! A day or two later than expected but we're wheeling out a big patch for version 0.3.2 that fixes a bunch of bugs and adds in a few new features too.
A big thanks to everyone submitting bug reports through the various channels and also a big thanks to those of you submitting improvement ideas. Our issues list is shrinking pretty rapidly as is our to-do list; chugging right along towards release v1.0.
In case you were a wee bit curious, here is the change-log:
- Added: in-game chat system for multiplayer
- Added: text overlay for each space as player moves
- Added: new sound effects (sorry)
- Added: credit section for SFX
- Changed: traffic jam clear is now a D8 to prevent player from getting permanently stuck
- Changed: modified display settings to work better on Steam Deck
- Changed: keep_width to stretch to display on non-fullscreen
- Changed: various colors and fonts of menu subsections
- Changed: moved location of song bubble to above radio
- Changed: piece speed and bot turn timer text to be more clear
- Changed: code for move roll button to prevent weird glitches
- Fixed: soft-lock during Truck Stop when activity is skipped
- Fixed: piece speed in pause menu not working right
- Fixed: winning second place on ranked mode loops game-over
- Fixed: issue where oats weren't delivered if there was a trap, hitchhiker, etc. on Delivery square
- Fixed: soft-lock during Stopped after getting ass kicked at Truck Stop
- Fixed: turn icon under pieces are bugged on client, everyone has one after three turns
- Fixed: check ramming not showing the dice when it is the local player
- Fixed: condition where multiplayer clients would see wrong button during game over interface
- Fixed: glitch where missing "waiting" button would crash game during Ramming event
- Fixed: HUD not showing correctly during game-over summary
- Fixed: (probably) move roll button appearing randomly or not hiding after clicking
- Fixed: Tip interface target choice not hiding correctly
- Fixed: chat timer not triggering correctly
- Fixed: marker shows wrong co-pilot to pick up
- Fixed: missing text for Sober Up interface's contraband drop-off
More coming soon!
Changed files in this update