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Going Medieval update for 17 March 2023

Hotfix (0.13.4)

Share · View all patches · Build 10778517 · Last edited 17 March 2023 – 08:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings players! The newest hotfix (0.13.4) is now live on all platforms. Please save your progress and restart your game client to update. You should be able to load normally and continue playing. If you have any problems, please let us know.

Bugs and Fixes
  • Fixed several crash occurrences.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented statues/paintings/tapestries to have different variations.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented sorting by vermin control from working as intended for pets in the Overview menu.
  • Fixed the issue where settlers would not relocate piles if those piles were within building foundations.
Quality of life improvements
  • The belief conversation system has been redone. The chance for this type of conversation to occur is increased if settlers are praying or if they are zealots. Belief attributes are influenced by speechcraft and intelligence (a more intelligent settler has a greater chance of influencing belief change in the other settler in the conversation, while greater speechcraft has a lesser chance to fail at the conversation (sending an opposite effect to the targeted settler). You still can have a lvl 50 int and lvl 50 speechcraft settler that if he/she is a zealot all settlers will become zealots over time.
  • The camera following settlers feature has been improved. Now, the camera follow feature will not “drop” while rotating, tilting, and zooming the camera. Pressing ‘Tab’ on your keyboard while camera follow is active will jump the camera to the next thing and continue following that thing as well. Only WASD, camera pan, and right-clicking will disable the camera follow feature
  • Stockpile resources are now counter by pile tracker even if they are unreachable by settlers.
Known issues:
  • Settlers will not choose the closest production building (if there are more of the same type), but the one that has a production set first in the global list of productions.
  • If your settlers are experiencing weird animations with some actions, be sure to cap the game's FPS in the game's options. Cap it to 60fps. If the issue persists, cap it at 30.

DISCLAIMER: The experimental and the main branch have the same version of the game. However, on the experimental branch, we decided to keep Dev version of the game, and that means that a Dev log with red text will appear from time to time. This will help us get more info from your side when crashes and bug reports occur. If you are annoyed by this, please switch to the main branch to experience the game without the red text.

Foxy Voxel

Windows Going Medieval Content Depot 1029781
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