to access the new-level one must complete the melon-boss(farmlandlevel5) first at any difficulty
the onion-projectile now only does damage after 0.6seconds
strawberries can now be shot while still hanging on the plant
the ladyfinger-rockets and peppers (and chicory + corn) now have a cartoony-explode-animations
some enemy-hitbox-colliders now can only be triggered with the player-feet-collider at lower-angles
some other minor bug-fixes
further we welcome new enemies to the farmlands-family
corn (shoots from his mouth, and in some cases - grows until a certain-size and then pops into popcorn)
broccoli (launches random-sized-littler-broccoli-men from its head)
chicory (fly's like a homing-missile and can be jumped on and disabled different then ladyfinger-rockets)
celery (hits with its branch)
Changed files in this update