over the last few weeks we've been pushing various updates without putting them in any patchnotes announcement.
A quick shout-out to our Discord members which were active in the #feedback channel:
- Zombifr3d
- friendlyusername
- Maerman
- Capybara
- ravenswontdie
- ユニロニックシール
- mavi
You can join our Discord using this link:
Here's the patchnotes list. You've probably already noticed some of the changes:
- Proxyware: added hint if extracting from Proxyware too early.
- Proxyware: added hint about earning money when visiting Proxyware.onion for the first time.
- Death screen: added different death screens depending whether you've died to demon stacks or to walking into a demon (previously you received the same death screen & information which confused some players about the cause of their death).
- Death screen: added different death screens depending whether you've died to stalker stacks or to failing to scare off a stalker (previously you received the same death screen & information which confused some players about the cause of their death).
- Death screen: made demon/stalker information more clear: now it directly says how the demon/stalkers stacks work.
- Added "app installed" pop-up after talking to proxyware co-admin (some people didn't notice new app on their PC)
- Fixed death cutscene which kills you after having >100 anxiety points. The cutscene is a demon turning off the lights; sometimes it would bug out and the light would be already turned off at the beginning.
- Added "Game Wiki" button in the ESC in-game menu which opens up the game wiki for you to read if you're confused about a mechanic.
- Updated in-desktop help notes.
- EasyLeads: added a hint message which appears after manually writing three leads, saying you can ctrl+c ctrl+v the text instead of writing.
- Improved the website which shows up after typing an onion link in the browser: now it tells you directly to go to TheHiddenWiki (some people have read the help notes first and tried going to AlphaMedicine.onion at the beginning).
- Added info to the in-desktop notes that anxiety pills relieve your anxiety by 50% (so people know it's better to wait for high anxiety before consuming them)
- Added hint when there are more than three demon stacks and they start attacking you. The hint tells the player to "turn on the lights for couple minutes".
- Added hint that you need to "look around from time to time to scare off stalkers" in various places.
- Added "Skip Start" option in the main menu which appears after you've died and skips KappaMeister/BlueEyes dialogues and the "take pills" and "visit thedarkhub" quests as well.
- Fixed the window stalkers: the one in the middle was using the animation of the stalker on the left, which made him look goofy.
Changed files in this update