Hey folks! Just a small update on versions 1.0.45a through 1.0.45e here. I've been uploading these sub-versions as I run into and fix a few unusual edge cases with gamepad controls (almost all of them involving hitting the Start button to call up the main battle menu at unexpected times).
As a consequence of continued development on Together in Battle, some other improvements to the game engine accompany these gamepad fixes:
golems now have a short "Stomp" animation that is used for self-targeting skills like Engine Boost and Self Repair. This speeds up the use of these skills considerably.
gasul now have dedicated Shove and Pull animations, with shove doubling as a casting animation for most psy skills.
TTL now supports looping pixel art animations for destructible objects! As the (so far, one and only) example of this used in the engine, TTL now has an animated Fire destructible object. Walking into (or more likely, being shoved or thrown into) fire causes 15 heat damage; attacking fire from melee causes the attacker to receive a 10 burn damage. (Note that Fire isn't used in the main campaign; it's purely a new toy for player-created campaigns.)
improved the appearance of lit tent objects.
fixed: tall grass objects did not actually apply a dodge bonus to units standing in them.
various improvements to fog of war: the game no longer displays the names of skills being used under fog of war; the blinking status effect displayer no longer appears when the corresponding unit is under fog of war; impact sparks, static visual effects, pop-up text and animated health/energy bars no longer appear over spaces covered by fog of war when the AI attacks scenery or another army. In general, fog of war now legitimately obscures everything about AI character actions except for the sounds, allowing you to guess based on audio cues.
the LightBackground action now works for backgrounds in battle as well.
created a new Crowd Murmuring sound effect.
reduced the volume on the Rain and Wind sound loops, preserving the old high-amplitude versions as Rain Loud and Wind Loud.
fixed: characters changing classes did not adopt the default skill animation of their new class's sprite set.
fixed: the game would not trigger OnVictory dialogue for any army that was not player-controlled.
fixed: surrendering would not trigger OnVictory dialogue for any enemy armies.
fixed: item button menus for the rightmost items in the reserve supplies screen had their positions reset, requiring me to once again go in and reposition them by hand so they wouldn't go offscreen.
fixed: music volume would reset to a level multiple times higher than the global music volume level under some circumstances.
fixed: units would sometimes fail to become tinted when spawning after deployment under alternate global lighting conditions.
added an invariantculture argument to game's various float.Parse() calls to avoid issues with the game failing to parse decimals for European users.
Changed files in this update