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Helicopter Gunship DEX update for 15 March 2023

Update for Norway Beta

Share · View all patches · Build 10777458 · Last edited 15 March 2023 – 17:59:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.
  1. Fixes the glowing and/or flickering trees which were sometimes visible during darker missions.

I had to rebuild all of the tree models due to a texture issue which took all day!!

  1. I am still trying to track down some odd things happening with clouds and/or transparent objects such as rotor blades or targeting pod glass where they appear to become separated from the main model and/or follow the main camera movements.

If you spot this happening please try turning off TAA in the Video Options Anti Aliasing section and choose either "OFF" or "FXAA" instead and see if that solves the issue.

  1. Tomorrow I shall be looking at why the Norway terrain doesn't load on the Steam Deck.

Changed depots in norwayterrain branch

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Windows 64-bit Depot 2012141
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