Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Leader Pass* continues with the Great Builders Pack. Each Leader Pass release contains brand new leaders decked out with inventive abilities, each designed to tease out clever new playstyles and challenge veteran CIV players in surprising ways. You’ll also see a few familiar leaders, reinvented to represent them at a different stage on their journey through history. Forget the old ways and put your safe strategies to bed—the Civilization VI Leader Pass will forever change the way you rule.
The Great Builders includes:
- Sejong
- Ludwig II
- Theodora
Sejong **is one of – if not the – most productive and famous leaders of Korea’s Joseon Dynasty, noted for invigorating Joseon’s infrastructure, science, and artistic life.
Unique Leader Ability: Hangul
- ]When you complete your first Technology from a new Era, receive double your Science per turn as Culture.
Ludwig II was less interested in politics than in making the fairy tales of the region come to life. Known as “The Swan King” of the Catholic kingdom of Bavaria, it was under Ludwig that Bavaria lost its independence to Germany. Aspirational, but misguided.
Unique Leader Ability: Swan King
- Wonders, even if not finished, receive +2 Culture for every adjacent District. All Culture adjacencies provide Tourism after discovering Castles.
**Theodora***** was a former actress who rose to hold a powerful influence over her husband, the Emperor Justinian of the Byzantine Empire. She was instrumental in fortifying what would become Orthodox Christianity and in building the backbone of the Byzantines in an era of collapse elsewhere in the Empire.
Unique Leader Ability: Restorer of Icons
- Holy Sites provide Culture equal to their adjacency bonus. Farms provide a Faith adjacency to Hippodromes and Holy Sites.
* Leader Pass content will be automatically delivered in-game as it is released.
** Requires New Frontier Pass and Byzantium & Gaul Pack to play
*** Requires Rise & Fall expansion to play
LEARN MORE about the Civilization VI: Leader Pass HERE:
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