Hi Renovators!
As promised, we are introducing a new set of fixes to Hotel Renovator with the launch of Patch 2. The new patch addresses the most common issues you have brought to our attention since tha game launched. Here is the full list of introduced fixes:
- A progression block after picking up the bellboy suit and closing the game has been eliminated
- Missing lobby decoration issues have been fixed
- The restaurant cleaning progression issue has been fixed
- The issue causing the game to crash while the player is in the basement has been fixed
- The issue causing the game to crash while loading the lobby area has been fixed
- The issue causing the Hotel Naming pop-up to freeze after the player uses Alt+Tab has been fixed
- Long loading times during game launch have been eliminated
- The issue with the player being unable to complete the “Catch the Chicken” quest has been resolved
- The issue causing the “Fill Mode” tutorial not to appear has been fixed
- Issues with playing the intro in both game modes have been fixed
- The issue with each next floor of the same type being a partial duplicate of the one below has been resolved
- The issue with spawning a second ghost when the player restarts the game during the “Ghost Hunting” quest has been resolved
- The issue causing the “Noisy Neighbour” quest to block on the third floor has been fixed
- Horse animation bugs have been fixed
- The bug allowing the player to finish the tutorial without going to the “Booking App” has been eliminated
- The on-screen keyboard functionality issue while naming the hotel has been fixed
- The issue with unreadable tips in the journal has been fixed
- The “Lost and Found” quest item spawning issues have been resolved
- The issue causing Room 203 to be accessible to the player before the story quest has been eliminated
- The issue causing a part of the lobby to remain unrenovated has been fixed
- The issue causing a piece of flooring next to the main entrance to remain unrenovated has been fixed
- The issue causing the player to get stuck in the elevator floor texture has been resolved
- The handyman NPC clipping through the floor issue has been resolved
- Floor and Wall materials and colours now match their thumbnails
Thank you so much for your patience. We aim to make Hotel Renovator an enjoyable experience for everyone, and we’re surely not done fixing the smaller issues. We will be updating you about future updates.
If you come across an issue or bug, feel free to report it on Steam or directly on our Discord server.
Changed files in this update