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Dome Keeper update for 15 March 2023

Patch for Springloaded

Share · View all patches · Build 10774928 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Keepers

again thank you for all the reports in the forums and on Discord! Thanks to that we can deliver a patch today, fixing a few issues.

We'll wait a bit longer for your feedback regarding the balancing. One thing that made us very happy to see was how well mixed the prestige scores were. In endless, we are seeing both domes and all primary gadgets in the top score, yay! :)

Changelog v2.4.2


  • fixed repellent delay achievement not triggering
  • fixed crash when assessor shoots bundle into resource teleporting teleporter
  • fixed drillbert sometimes staying scared after wave was over
  • implemented limit on number of times a repeatable upgrade can be bought. This is set now for the Spire upgrade that would eventually become a negative.
  • not showing lock icon for upgrades that have multiple predecessors, but only need one to unlock. A bit cleaner this way.
  • fixed autoheal crashing the game when playing fixed cobalt
  • added sound to auto heal and impact recuperation
  • not spawning punisher monsters in automation mode anymore

I like to throw in something fun from time to time, and here i want to show you how Anne sketched Drillbert initially.

Drillbert i actually thought of as "Drillbot", a robot that can drill. But Anne loves animals and had the great idea to make it into something much more likeable. So she sketched some animals - one like a dinosaur, one mole and an octopus. We both liked the Drillosaur best, who'd later be named Drillbert of course. In the code it is still called Drillbot by the way.
This also worked so well with the "station" that Drillbot needed. Instead of fuel you'd bring treats to it, which again feels much nicer in a way.
On the top left you can see some experiments as to how it would look like when carried. Can you spot the sketch that was picked and worked into what is ingame now?

As always Should you encounter any bugs/issues while playing, please visit our support desk where someone can assist you
We are of course also active on the forums and our Discord.

Have fun :)

Windows 64-bit Depot 1637321
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Linux 64-bit Depot 1637322
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macOS 64-bit Depot 1637323
  • Loading history…
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