Hello everyone! Here's a bug patch for you to fix some annoying issues, as we've stated in the past there won't be a content update until after the Playstation version is out later this year. Read more here [www.landfall.se/tabs-roadmap](www.landfall.se/tabs-roadmap)
Patch notes:
- Fixed a bug with the Monk's eyes that placed them over his head
- Fixed a crash that could occur when returning from playing to editing a custom map
- Fixed some bugs with the bomb and cannonball dispensers not working as expected in custom maps
- Fixed some bugs with the line settings in some custom map templates not displaying correctly
- Fixed a bug that prevented custom maps in custom campaigns from loading correctly
- Fixed some bugs with rider unit positions
- Fixed a bug that turned the water color grey when zooming in on custom maps
- Fixed a bug that caused the Medieval theme music to play by default on all custom map templates
- Fixed multiple bugs related to Workshop subscriptions and downloads not working as expected
- Fixed some custom content items that could not be recolored
- Fixed some custom content items that were missing icons and textures
- Fixed a bug that could prevent maps from being displayed when browsing the Sandbox or Campaign menus
- Adjusted unit behavior so that they sink in water on all maps, including custom maps
- Improved the SHIFT key glyph in Map Creator on PC platforms
Please remember to restart steam and verify the integrity of the game files in order to download the update correctly.
Changed files in this update