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Metal March update for 15 March 2023

Version 4.0 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 10773194 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

  • The Korean font has been changed.
  • Fixed an issue where setting values for sound-related options were not saved.
  • Unit ratings are now displayed before the name of the unit.
  • The engine has been updated to 2022.2.10f1.
  • The model of the farm has been changed to a windmill.
  • Improved the performance of the model's outline display algorithm.
  • The display of regions has been changed from a tree to a hexagonal tile format.
    We've expanded the number of paths you can travel, which should allow you to be more selective in your expeditions.
    This feature was added because you couldn't progress if enemies were blocking your path, which we don't think is necessary anymore.
  • Region loading is now faster, and performance on the expedition screen has been optimized.
  • There are new nodes in the region: Unknown
    Random events will occur at these nodes, and you won't know what to expect until you reach them.
    There may be a battle, but you may also gain something, lose something, or gain a reward in exchange for losing something.
  • There are new nodes in the region: Transport Carriage
    At this point, you can pay a wagon vendor a small amount of money to gather troops so that your leader can resupply the troops he is currently employing.
    After paying, a certain amount of troops will be available for hire at the Wagon after 24 hours.
    This will make it easier to use troops that are often underutilized due to supply issues.
  • Due to the addition of new locations, the overall region is now a bit larger.
  • Fixed a bug where values were being saved differently depending on the language when saving preferences.
    Some users may see some option values change after receiving this update.
  • The image for each nodes has been changed.
  • The UI has changed from a blue toned color scheme to red.
  • Sanctuary UI has been improved.
  • The Wishing Well UI has been improved.
  • Improved the UI of the difficulty selection screen.
  • Combat locations now display the appearance of one of the featured enemies.
  • Combat locations will now display the type of enemy that appears.
  • Tooltips for spots have been changed to be above the rest of the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to see enemy movement and attack range when holding LShift.
  • Added a map feature that allows you to check your expedition status while in combat and camping. (Default shortcut M)
  • Improved the day and night dial images.
  • Removed shadows from 3D texts and added outlines.
  • Spellstones have been renamed to Ruby, as they previously had a similar icon and name to Magic Stones, which caused some confusion, but hopefully will be clearer now.
  • Added tiers to relics.
  • We've changed the reward structure for Altars of Sacrifice.
    Previously, it rewarded certain tiers of magic with certainty, but now the rewards are more granular and probabilistic.
    We hope this will increase the rarity of rare tier magic and make it more valuable to sell in the shop.
  • The start screen has been rearranged and the race symbol images have been improved.
  • AoE cards can now be use over obstacles.
  • The amount of money you receive from battle rewards has been reduced by about 25% across the board.
    Instead, the daily income coming in from silver mines has been increased from 30 to 100.
  • The total amount of troops appearing in all types of shops has been reduced by about 40%, in exchange for the addition of transport carriage.
  • The ability to avoid battles has been removed.
    It is no longer necessary, as the widening of the paths in the region has created enough space for bypassing.
  • Removed an algorithm that allowed the AI to use range magic when a player's troops are in stealth to predict the location of the stealthy troops.
  • Sniper health increased by 5%.
  • Magic effectiveness that increases with intelligence increased from 2% to 3%.
  • Damage bonus from camping increased from 5% to 15%.
  • Archery Training, Swordsmanship Training, and Arcane Enhancement talents increased from 3% to 4%.
  • Added 23 new artifacts.
    They now also provide leader stats based on the tier of the artifact.
  • Troop experience gained from battles has been reduced by 50%.
  • Increased the cost of unlocking the first troop slot from 1 gold to 5 gold.
  • We updated the Unity Engine to version 2022.2.10 with the expectation that it would resolve some internal issues, but instead we encountered a serious issue that broke connections between various prefabs.
    We tested as much as we could and got it back up and running, but the biggest problem is that whenever we modify an existing prefab, it is again breaking connections between random objects for unknown reasons.
    Unfortunately, I wanted to warn you in advance that until this is fixed in the new version of the engine, the client may be quite unstable.
    I'll do my best to double-check before each new release to make sure I'm not introducing another issue, but if you run into any issues like the game freezing, please let me know. I'll try to make a hotfix as soon as possible.
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