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Flotsam update for 15 March 2023

0.7.2 The Engineer is OUT NOW!

Share · View all patches · Build 10772901 · Last edited 15 March 2023 – 08:26:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

0.7.2: The Engineer

Hey Drifters!
The Engineer update is here!

With the recent addition of parks and flowers, the current build radius quickly got too small. So, with this patch, we're changing up how building space and town movement works! Previously, a radius defined how close your town can move to landmarks, but now it's now based on your town's actual shape. This means that, if you build your town in the shape of a triangle, you'll be moving a triangle around on the map. If you decide to make a squiggly wave of a town, you can slither inbetween landmarks like a snake. All up to you!

In addition, the max building range has been increased from 50 to 150, allowing you to build 9 times as much as before.

What's next?

We're still working on the next map updates, forging it into a continuous experience. In the meantime, a Quality of Life: Housing update will add multi-drifter housing and other various improvements.

Enjoy the new update!

Early Access 0.7.2: The Engineer

The Engineer and Town Movement changes
  • New Specialist: The Engineer.
  • Updated town collision to use the town shape as a collider.
  • Implemented Physics-based town movement.
  • Maximum build radius increased from 50 to 150.
  • Town now has a weight cap. Once the cap is reached, you can no longer build.
  • New construction: Town Tugger. The Town Tugger adds 2000 weight capacity.
  • The Townheart has 4000 weight capacity.
  • Weight tiers are now based on a percentage of the total weight capacity.
  • Removed double-click town movement.
  • Improved click-and-hold movement to now support reverse movement.
  • Energy Pole, Walkways and the Town Tugger can be placed regardless of weight capacity.
  • Town Weight is now calculated using the sum of all constructions, not counting items any longer.
  • Construction weight is no longer calculated from item weights.
  • Re-balanced all construction weights.
  • New Overlay: Weight Overlay. This shows the weight above each construction.
  • Added a tutorial showing different ways to move the town.
  • Town movement now has a cooldown when 0 energy is reached.
  • Electrocrafter, Electric Scrapsmith and Electric Desalinator can only be unlocked if you have an engineer.
  • The Electrocrafter can only be worked by The Engineer.
  • Fixed landmark UI error where it would state you're not in swimming range when you needed tools to salvage.
  • Fixed issue where main menu would not load correctly because PlayerData was empty, resulting in the main menu consisting of only ocean.
  • Fixed a 4 length tiled walkway sometimes showing as a grassy walkway instead.
  • Fixed issue that caused a boat to not despawn correctly when moving away from the landmark it was moored.
  • Fixed issue where closing a landmark panel would spawn an error.
  • Fixed issue where game would give an error when generating a new world.
  • General performance improvements.
  • Added Engineer and Botanist idle animations.
  • Various small changes and fixes.
  • Wood walkways beauty score from 1 to 0.
  • Grassy and Tiled walkway beauty score from 2 to 1.
Windows Flotsam Content Depot 821251
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