Update 34: V 1.028.0
Change Log
- Sound Overhaul (Part I)
- Added new shooting and reload sounds to small arms weapons and heavy MG's
- Added new distance layers to shooting sounds
- Added sonic cracks to bullet hits based on caliber
- Added 3d shell casings to weapons and sounds for hitting ground/objects
- Updated the mixing of various sound layers to reduce sound cut-off/clip and improve the overal soundscape
- Reduced vehicle engine idle sound volumes
- Human Skins Update
- Updated the majority of skins for Germans and Soviets
- Added new humanskin and equipment variations that can be modded together to make new combinations
- Added correct magazine pouches to updated skins
- Uniforms and equipment should be more authentic than before for each time period
- Replaced majority of headwear with new textures/models
- Bot/AI Update (Part I)
In General, many new bot behaviors that will hopefully make them more aware, less predictable and more challenging to fight against
Added in both Conquest and MP, new priority logics for bots on when to:
Purchase different Units
Move towards different flags/map points
Choose to seek and destroy enemy instead of attacking a flag
Ignore generic bot commands and obey scripted logic
Added wave style attacks to Bots in Conquest
Added mission scipted AI logics to Conquest that use to be MP only (newly added feature allows this now)
Updated and Improved scripted AI logics for both MP and Conquest
Updated Bots in MP to use the same unit timers as players
Updated Bots in MP to use a doctrine (Only All-Around Doctrine for now, plan to expand this in future update)
Updated Bots resource advantage in MP to more aligned with players
Updated internal code and file organization to allow for greater control and future improvements
- Added 8 New maps to conquest:
- Black Sea coast
- Frozen Highlands
- Hungarian Swamps
- Olkhovatka
- Radusha Airfield
- Shaforovo
- Stalingrad Outskirts
- Wasteland
Added 8 New maps
Added a capture weight minimum of 1 to all vehicles that were previously 0, except for Goliaths and planes.
Increased minimum resources conquest bots will have, regardless of how many units players bring to the battle
Updated some of the buy menu icons for support trucks to clearly see if they are ammo, engineer, fuel, etc.
Replaced xx model on maps with proper destroyed models (fixes pathing for units trying to drive through them)
Fixed issues on Map Kalinin
Fixed Spawn point on Map Pinsk
Fixed house that did not have proper collision on Map Kymhi Airfield
Fixed maps to properly from black fade especially in coop
Fixed maps to use all winter conquest environments
Reduced MP and AP cost to repair units in conquest
Reduced AP cost to resupply units in conquest
Added AP belted ammo to several German MG breeds
Added a capture weight minimum of 1 to all vehicles that were previously 0, except for Goliaths and planes.
Increased Early war Resources by ~10% (2400 to 2650)
Increased Mid war Resources by 10% (3000 to 3300) (Late war stays the same 4500)
Replaced drum variant of MG42/34 to belt variant on several German MG breeds
Replaced xx model on maps with proper destroyed models (fixes pathing for units trying to drive through them)
Changed and fixed flag positions in battle zones for many maps to help improve balance and bot's decision making
Changed payback rate in MP to decrease more evenly as CP increases
Changed in Domination mode, that atleast one supply point is active at game start
Changed icon over capture points in Domination to be in similar style as flag point icons in Battlezones
Reduced time to capture enemy's base from neutral in Domination mode by 30s (120 to 90)
Reduced time to capture supply points in Domination mode by 60s (150 to 90)
Reduced invincible time for freshly spawned units in Domination mode by 5s (10 to 5)
Reduced distance recon planes are spotted, still much greater than AA weapon ranges
Reduced accuracy of 280mm BR5
Reduced cost of DShK AA and Stand by 15 (150 to 135)
Reduced cooldown of Soviet Tier 3 Squad in Early war from 180s to 60s
Reduced blast energy of MP airstikes to match the SD-250 bomb
Split Soviet Earl War Rifle grenade squad so that AT Grenade is a separate buy (AT detachment) from the HE rifle grenade
Removed German, Late war, Panzer Grenadier GD squad from sniper limit counter. (G43 Sniper is not as effective as bolt rifle snipers). Late War Fusilier squad remains on the limit counter.
Fixed missing 105mm H33 from Finnish Mid War All Around Doctrine
Fixed pricing for all nations soldiers to be standardized resulting in minor price changes to squads
Fixed issues on Map 1v1 Lodoga
Fixed missing trench segments on Map 3v3 King of the Hill
Fixed crew count for doctrine buy: Jagdpanther
Fixed map borders and ocean on 4v4 Hills
Fixed some pathing issues on 3v3 Lakeside Airfield
Fixed Battlezones Flag layouts to be consitent (A Flag is always center, B Flag Closer to Team A, etc)
Fixed half floating rocks around river on Map 1v1 Crossing
Single Player
Replaced xx model on maps with proper destroyed models (fixes pathing for units trying to drive through them)
Various minor fixes to multiple missions
Fixed voice of tank officer in Petrovka mission to not sound like its coming through a radio when he is out of the tank
Added narrator/officer voice recordings to Scorched Earth German missions
Added narrator/officer voice recordings to Winter Storm Mission
Fixes for Soviet Mission: 1941_12_tikhvin
- partisans events/states and assignment fixes
- task5 fixes
- scenarios fixes
- coop fix
- Fixes for Soviet Mission: 1941_11_typhoon
- fixes to player units assignment/movemement
- fixed case where player had invincible players(extra squad)
- fixed bad waypoint states
- removed over 150 unused waypoint paths
- Fixes for Soviet Mission: 1942_05_kerch
- coop fix
- Fixes for German Mission: 1942_01_vyazma
- fixes to car drive and narration intro & part2 intro to ensure all important talks remain even if skipped anywhere or right away.
- coop fixes.
- Fixes for German Mission: 1942_09_elbrus
- fixes and clean up of game loss conditions.
- intro/scenario fixes.
- Fixes for German Mission: 1943_02_krasny_bor
- coop fixes
- fixed irregular/defensive doctrine 3rd reinforcement so that towed guns are properly assigned/user controllable sp and coop.
- Fixes for German Mission: 1943_07_petrovka
- fixed task 5 bugs, related to defending captured positions.
- It was possible to fail the task and mission would not fail resulting in player not knowing what to do as the game would not progress but not fail either. (part2_defend_fail)
- corrected task 5 conditions, and fixed situation where task 5 could complete and still fail or vice versa.
- Fixes for German Mission: 1943_11_wotan
- coop intro fix
Everything Else
Added destruction (x model) to the Engineer buildable trench
Added some left and right rotation to 15cm Grille Ausf.K gun and Panzer 38H W40 rockets, so they can shoot better on uneven terrain
Added dust fx to human footsteps for better visibility
Added minimum range of 50m for most rocket artillery
Added veterancy icons for library 1-8
Increased tank track durability
Increased mortar acccuracy by 10%
Increased supply of german ammo trailer from 250 to 500
Increased smoke time for RDG1 Smoke grenade by 30s
Increased smoke time for RDG1 Smoke grenade by 60s
Increased range indirect artillery and rocket artillery can be spotted when firing
Updated Panzer38H W40 to spawn on hold fire in MP
Updated only German pioneers, engineers and miners get the Nbk39 smoke grenade. Others get the M24 smoke grenade
Updated Smoke grenade in German vehicles with NbKS instead of NbK 39
Updated fx and sounds for smoke grenades
Updated all_doors texture
Updated .50 Cal reload animation
Updated ammo in inventory for 20-25mm AA cannons and Trucks to be standardized (~280 for cannon, ~400 for trucks)
Updated air detonation FX with fragment patterns
Updated the ZiS5 DShK to use API ammo
Updated M1919A4 for M1919A4_tank in armored vehicles
Updated global maps to dds to save space on disk
Updated muzzle flash textures
Updated muzzle flashes and added to preload
Reduced Indirect Artillery and Rocket Artillery range scale, 24km limit lowered from 600m to 510m (~15% reduction)
Reduced time for human accuracy to reset after moving/firing from 1s to 0.8s
Reduced timeout between bursts for MG42 so that it has higher DPS but will go through ammo quicker
Reduced size of volumes of bushes to reduce how much vision they block
Reduced slightly blast energy damage to tank components, ~2%-5%
Fixed Panzer 3 J1 wrong pivot of turret basket
Fixed Panzer 3 N
Fixed Panzer 2 L mantlet inverting when breaking
Fixed T50 tanks from thinking they can tow
Fixed issue with IL2 prop animation that could cause a game crash when the plane crashed
Fixed 1st/3rd person view for the 305mm MB-2-12
Fixed missing wheel texture of b20 in #desert and #camos versions
Fixed stalinetz60 missing transmission component/thickness
Fixed light tank's turrets displaying both x and xx model when torn off by hit from large projectile
Fixed windshield wiper animation and missing door sounds for Kfz 15
Fixed car/truck and halftracks from not taking proper damage from AT grenades
Fixed some of the ammo volumes to be components/destructible in Ostwind and Wirbelwind
Fixed texture for ger_m38_helmet_camo_blue
Fixed magazine ejection for MG13
Fixed foresight bone position on mg42 to properly match muzzle fx to tip of the barrel
Fixed tracer on soviet and ger AT rifle rounds (they were opposite)
Fixed bolt action rifle animation now plays behind cover
Fixed humans when firing semi auto rifles sometimes not playing the recoil animation (recoil animation was slightly too slow for the rate of fire)
Fixed DShK muzzle FX on IS-2 45 and ISU-152
Fixed allignment of roadway borders
Fixed floor for sov_2st_build1
Fixed and added more unique Vehicle views
Fixed Fixed some inconsistent penetration stats on some german 37mm guns (37mm kwk34t and kwk38t)
Fixed ammo HE ammo description for StuH 42 and others that use alternate HE shells
Fixed minor Localization issues
Fixed narrator/player/ voice files to play in mission 1941_11_typhoon
Fixed MP mission scripts using wrong gui sound path. Some maps had commands cloned for same sound
Removed possible damage radius for AT grenades (help AI use AT grenade even if it'll hurt the soldier)
Removed unused muzzle flashes
Changed files in this update