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Scoot update for 14 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10769366 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Hey everyone!

After the last update, I decided that I wanted to take the time to make as many fixes and improvements to Scoot as I could to make the game much more enjoyable and fun to play. So, while there may not be much new content this time around, the foundation has now been set to let Scoot grow into the great game it continues to be.

Main Improvements

Naturally, some improvements are a lot more notable than others. So, here's a few that I thougt were worth mentioning:

Flips have a brand new system. To now flip, you must hold the left stick in the direction you want to flip as you hop (Like how you used to charge up a flip in the last update). Doing this will cause the player to automatically perform a single flip. However, if you still hold the left stick in that direction, you'll gain more control and your flip will speed up. You can still spin freely. This change was made to Scoot as it will feel a little more familiar to other games for newer players.

Manuals (and nose manuals) have been greatly improved to not just look realistic, but feel it too. Now when you manual, the player will look like they're genuinly trying to balance and be a little more jolty with his movements. They also now act realistically physically too! You can now manuals off a ledge and not have the nose dip anymore. It'll stay up just the way you would expect it to.

Scoot has been completely rescaled to fit a more realistic scale. This change isn't too noticable to players, but to modded map creators, it makes a big difference.

Bowl physics have been improved upon big time! No more casing outer corners. Scoot now has a brand new casing avoidance system to help the flow of your lines on all transfers. This new system is shown off incredibly in Jumbo Jump Island's bowls.

Great improvements have been made to goofy stance. Goofy now works almost identical to regular. The ghost push issue is now completely gone. And holding/getting on your scooter while in goofy stance now looks just as smooth as it does in regular.

You can view the full changelog in Scoot's discord here.

Dear Modders,

As a modder myself, I understand the value modding has on a game. So, with this update I've opened up the code to the game so that modders can now use Unity Mod Manager to create whatever they desire. I look forward to seeing what the community creates and hope to see it help grow our community to be closer!

Hope you all enjoy this update!

  • Matt
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