We've improved our Aimlabs Discovery AI so you can ask more, talk longer and get responses faster then ever before!
- Increased the total daily limit usage of Aimlabs Discovery by 10 times! This means you can now have longer, better conversations.
- Improved latency by a large margin, so now Discovery should be faster to respond, and respond with improved, more structured responses!
Aimlabs Discovery is available with the new premium Aimlabs+ membership, available now on our Steam store page! (Only available for the Premium tier Aimlabs+ membership)
Aimlabs Discovery AI
- AI-POWERED TRAINING: Discovery is a new AI-powered suite that guides you through your path to improvement. It's always ready to help you generate new content and recommend high-quality coaching or content.
- AI-GENERATED VALORANT TASKS: Tell Discovery what you're struggling with in any language, and we'll generate a VALORANT task to help you out.
- AI TASK EDITING: Edit any Creator Studio task using Discovery.
- AI-CURATED INSIGHTS: Chat with Discovery to discuss your training, receive personalized insights, and get recommendations for high-quality content.
If you aren't already following us, check out @aimlab on Twitter & Instagram for more awesome events, memes, and training tips. Don't forget you can report any bugs in-game and join us on Discord or check out the subreddit to let us know of any feature requests you have or just to come and hang out with the community & our devs!
Changed depots in devtest4 branch