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Cooking Simulator update for 16 March 2023

🌸 Spring Sale 🍃 with Chef's Golden Knife 🔪

Share · View all patches · Build 10767671 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi Chefs!👨‍🍳

Spring is on its way hand in hand with seasonal Steam Sale💸.
From March 16-23, we invite you to check our discounts and Chef's Golden Knife minigame🔪.

Are you ready to cut some veggies? OK! Just watch out for the explosives 🧨💥

⚙️We also added some things:


  • Interacting with containers when holding spices or liquids now places the condiment in a spot that makes it easier to add it to the container
  • Flipping products using the spatula is now more accessible - there is a new key binding that perfectly flips the product for you. You can change the default key in the "Input" Settings tab
  • To make it easier for you to arrange and decorate your food, we've added a marker that's displayed when using advanced movement while holding a product over plates or any other container
  • Fixed a bug that could potentially result in deleting some save files


  • On Sandbox mode, you can now find the Chef's Golden Knife! Interact with it to experience a new minigame. This works both in classic kitchen and in the modern one
  • Added a new place for you to display your recipe details! You can pin the recipes in the laptop, they will be displayed on the left side of the screen. Use the laptop or the TV to unpin them
  • Added the possibility to use the laptop to view the details of different versions of recipes when using Custom Menu


  • Added scrollbar to greeting pop-up


  • It should be possible to see the details of an order when using gamepad


  • Cursor should no longer stay stuck at the "finish the day early" pop-up

For the Steam Spring Sale we have the following discounts available:

👨‍🍳Cooking Simulator55%
🍰Cakes & Cookies - 47% 
☢️Shelter - 25%

Happy early spring cooking! 🍳

Windows steamglobal Cooking Simulator Windows Depot 641321
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Windows steamglobalDLC 1168680 Cooking Simulator - Cooking with Food Network (1168680) Depot Depot 1168680
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Windows DLC 1227350 Cooking Simulator - Cakes and Cookies (1227350) Depot Depot 1227350
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Windows steamglobalDLC 1400460 Cooking Simulator - Pizza (1400460) Depot Depot 1400460
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Windows steamglobalDLC 1575660 Cooking Simulator - Shelter (1575660) Depot Depot 1575660
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