In this update we've made it so that you can equip a full set of mods on each hand individually! Colored streaks behind each mod set will help differentiate which set is on your left or right blade, provided you use different colors in each that is. Otherwise, mind the tooltips when you're equipping them.
Enemy formations will change more drastically from volley to volley, so perhaps it will suite you to have an AOE in one hand and direct damage on the other. Or perhaps try Energized Strikes on only your offhand so you can call lightning whenever you'd like but not have it go off on it's own when destroying heavy beams? You could even equip Adaptive Defenses in one hand and only use it when your kinetic barrier is down and then switch back to the hand that does not have it's endurium charge rate lowered!
All this is to be expanded upon in an upcoming patch that will add up to 4 new modules in each category, for a total of 12 additional options, all in support of some new drone types that are soon to enter the mix:
They aren't quite ready to enter the fray just yet, but these drones will have specially abilities that will make them more or less vulnerable to different playstyles. Players specializing in AoE attacks will find it difficult to overcome regeneration effects, but will find it easier to take out cluster drones. Players who fire a wave every time they get the chance will be punished by the armored drones energy shield effect while players with a fully charged Energy Tap, or Energy Siphon build will still be able to take it out in a single, well aimed shot.
We've also been aware now for some time that a bug slipped through the cracks last update that is giving players 50 to 100 times the amount of credits intended. That really sucks because most players could pretty much max everything right away and that makes leveling very uninteresting. Ah well, we're not going to take your extra credits but you might consider starting a new profile, which can now be done directly in the VR landing page. Grinding through all of the beam break levels over again can be a bit of a slog - we're working on that.
Also with this update, A public leaderboard will begin starting Friday. It will only track your highest score on any match for now, but since players have several options between Endurance mode and accessibility settings, we will be expanding this in the future to have an official "ranked match" game mode that keeps matches the same for everyone and will have a leader board for each level of difficulty.
For those getting tired of Endurium's sound track, you're now able to use your own music directly in game! Place your mp3 collection into the Music folder in the Endurium directory and enable Custom BGM in the sound settings!
You can read the full patch notes below:
• A full set of modules can now be equipped on each blade individually, allowing you to use a different ability with each hand.
- A colored streak behind the mod set will help identify which blade the mods are equipped on, provided you have a different color set on each hand.
- With this change, it is now once again possible to use the Blaster and Shield playstyle.
- This will also support the upcoming additional modules coming in future updates.
• Drone positioning now cycles between different formation patterns of varying spread. - Fire rate is now determined by formation such that the wide-spread varieties fire slower and tight-clusters fire faster.
- Incoming beams now become slightly less accurate per active drone starting at 7 drones.
- Yellow pods now have a 20% chance to fire an endurium bolt instead of an electric beam.
- Damage of reflected Endurium Bolts increased by 300%.
• Removed match time requirement from achievements that don't specifically call for it.
• Endurium Barrier no longer drains Endurium when you've run out of kinetic energy. Attacks blocked by your barrier will now deal damage to your shields directly at a reduced rate that scales with your rank in Endurium Barrier.
• Reduced Shields Restored by Emergency Restore Module by 5 per Endurium level.
• Doubled Power Converter's exchange speed.
• Increased Power Converter's exchange rate from 5 shields for 10+rank endurium to 10 shields for 50+ 2.5 endurium per rank.
• Doubled the contribution that charge capacity has on Regen, bringing the total shields restored per beam to 16-25, up from 13-21.
• Reduced the time dilation of Time Slow by 10% but removed the scaling based on your shield level.
• Adaptive Defenses now grants a 50% endurium charge rate bonus while your kinetic barrier is full.
• Blaster Pistols now have laser sights when paired with Auto-Target.
• Blaster Pistol can once again be forced into Endurium Charge mode by pressing the ignition button, but retains it's previous charged-shot behavior when holding the trigger briefly (holding the trigger when all charge tanks are filled will still fire the Endurium Super-beam).
• Charged-shots from the blaster now pierce through beams.
• Added profile selection to the start of VR mode. This was previously only available in the settings menu.
• Profile Select Screen now always shows the last loaded profile at the top.
• If no controller is detected within 3 seconds, game will launch with the last detected VR settings.
• Changed "Equipment" button in Launcher menu to read "Customization" to match the in-game menu, and to avoid confusion with "Equipment Modules."
• Passive modules now add relevant stats to the profile screen.
• Brightly lit levels now feature more vibrant beams to better contrast against their backgrounds.
• Performance has been boosted on the Projection Deck and Sanctuary maps.
• Custom BGM soundtracks can now be used by adding MP3s to the Music Folder inside your Endurium Directory and then activating Custom BGM in the sound settings menu.
• Your blades, barrier, and blaster can be charged, activated, and fired respectively when the menu is open so long as you are not aiming at the menu when you pull the trigger.
• If auto-ignite is set to On, Plasma Blades can no longer be turned off during play. This is to prevent players from accidentally powering down their blades during gameplay. Users who prefer to play one-handed can still do so with Auto Ignite turned off.
Bug Fixes
• Fixed major bug in the calculation of how many credits the player earns.
• Fixed major bug in the calculation of how many drones to respawn.
• Fixed a bug allowing Energized Strikes to activate with less than 100 endurium available, which would push your charge meter into the negative.
• Fixed Extra Charge always using rank 5 regardless of points invested.
• Fixed Customization window title defaulting to "Hilt Components" rather than "Colors and Materials"
• Fixed a bug in the Customization window preventing the player from switching back to the color pallets after editing their hilt components with both blades.
• Your laser pointer no longer defaults to your primary color while changing the vibrance slider. (this effected only the plasma types with changing colors)
• Fixed Endurance Accept button spawning duplicate UI sound.
• Fixed "Unstopable" not unlocking correctly.
• The rename profile screen better handles existing usernames, now matches the behavior of the create profile screen.
• Removed a click sound from the end of charged strike and endurium wave explosions.
• Fixed a bug causing endurium gain meter to display when killing a special beam even when endurium charge is disabled.
• Fixed MNR-120's lense pulsing when they speak.
• Fixed Blaster Pistol not affecting the Beam Drones.
• Fixed Blaster Pistol dealing minimum damage with it's Superbeam.
• Added the word "none" to the blank tooltip of the unequip module button.
• Fixed music looping from the beginning when you lose the match rather than stopping.
• Fixed Pod kill bar on the info screen not resetting until a pod is destroyed.
Changed files in this update