This will blow out more than one mind!
Every Main Princess will now speak using cute voices, similar to what you'd hear playing the popular Crossing game. Some I already think are a perfect fit, but I want to work on every single voice bit thoroughly before I can call myself satisfied!
Video link here
Size: 807.9 MBs
Additions and Changes:
ːswirliesː Main Princesses will now babble cutely! Each one in a unique way!
ːswirliesː Bartender costumes now cannot be obtained through Cheats
ːswirliesː Replaced some of the old sound effects with new ones made in-house
ːswirliesː You can now use the codes you get in 🍻 Pervert's Dash UNLIMITED (releases on March 16th!) to get the 9 new Bartender costumes for Insect, Skeleton, Moth, Cat, Dog, Mouse, Rabbit, Drider, and Holstaur Princess & Progeny!
ːswirliesː Fixed new Swirlies/Clock HUD breaking as 1 hour passes
ːswirliesː Fixed buggy Human Princess NSFW event in the Goblin Bandits' tent
ːswirliesː Fixed Dragon Princess IV losing her costume once you enter her zone
ːswirliesː Fixed Tinhead Talker being impossible to turn in
ːswirliesː Fixed Harvest Princess' missing animations
ːswirliesː Fixed visual bugs happening while opening the Kingdom Status menu in the Putridarium or Rabbit Garderie
ːswirliesː Fixed Pause Menu being accessible during flights
ːswirliesː Fixed invisible sprites during the 2nd event in a single night around the Campsite
ːswirliesː Fixed depositing Swirlies bugging out the Rattesein Bank menu
ːswirliesː Fixed Egg Timers not correctly suspending the battle HUD and events
Changed depots in beta branch