Update 1526
- Change item modifiers to be displayed in tiers from 1 to 5, each tier has different drop rate.
- Change LP shop to have items with higher modifier tier.
- Small bug fixes (details below)
Here is a small update to game mechanic that I wanted to ship before the lengthy process of adding HARD mode.
Previously, when the game add a line of upgrade (modifiers) to an item, behind the scene it will also roll power magnitude from 1 to 10 with 10 having max effect, but those 1-10 number were not displayed to player because I wanted to keep things simple.
The only way player can confirm these differences is to go into item info popup in detailed mode. (Keyboard: HOME key, Gamepad: press the R-stick [R3])
On this update, I decided to bring these numbers up to the surface and with just a glance you can confirm which effect is big or small.
Each tier now has different drop rate
Previously, the old system will just pick a number from 1 to 10 equally, now it will use percent. Rates are around these numbers:
- T1 = 55%
- T2 = 25%
- T3 = 10%
- T4 = 6.66%
- T5 = 3.33%
Additionally, the whale's LP shop which was nerfed by previous update to produce items with less upgrade lines, will instead get modifier tier boost in this update. e.g., any modifier line generated as T2 will instantly become T3.
What will happen to my existing items?
Internally, data stays the same, existing items in your home base will be displayed with this format, you will even see some of them identified as T4 or T5 as the old system picked 1 to 10 equally so it was relatively easier to have T4 or T5 lines. Good for you!
What will this mechanic evolve into?
With that intimidating drop rate, It seems like a bit more troublesome to find high tier modifiers, but worry not, in later update (TBD) you will have an ability to upgrade or forge these modifier lines!
For an instance, if you have an item with 'Cursed III' you could upgrade it to 'Cursed IV' yourself with upgrade material collected from 'dismantling' another items with 'Cursed' modifier. This is not only served as an end-game content but also give meaning to upload weapons (with modifier lines) from dungeon back home.
Another fixes in this update
- Bugfix: When client play as Rogue and use 'Sonic Slash' skill, the attack won't get damage bonus from 'Dagger Damage' perk.
- Bugfix: Mouse wheel cannot scroll item info if hover over equipment slot area.
- Balance: Buff 'Sharp' modifier a bit.
That's all for now,
I'm still watching forum for bug report and suggestions from last update, keep em coming!
Changed files in this update