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Celebrity Kombat update for 14 March 2023

Game Package are now available on the launcher !

Share · View all patches · Build 10766198 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Diktators !

We're excited to announce that we've launched two new packs for our game: the Diktator pack and the Supporter pack!

The Diktator pack contains all the characters and skins in the game, so you can play as any character you want and switch up your look whenever you like. This pack is perfect for players who want to fully immerse themselves in the game and experience everything it has to offer.

The Supporter pack includes everything in the Diktator pack, plus some extra surprises! By purchasing this pack, you'll be helping us develop the game even further, and you'll get access to exclusive content that's not available in any other pack.

We're incredibly grateful for all the support you've given us so far, and we're excited to continue improving the game with your help. If you're interested in purchasing one of these packs, you can find them in the Diktapunk launcher.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we hope you enjoy the new packs! ːgrwheartː

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