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OWLMAN update for 14 March 2023

Owlman Is Being Set Free

Share · View all patches · Build 10762584 · Last edited 14 March 2023 – 07:09:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

In anticipation of the release of my next game, and an OWLMAN followup, I am intending to set OWLMAN to be free to play. This seems like the right decision for the game's exposure, which it has up to now received very little of. Also, because players are generally spending much less time in game than anticipated, I'd rather not ask you to pay for it despite my personal time commitment to the project.
That'll go into effect in the next month or so, so please do take this into account if you're interested in playing. In the meantime, here's a few things ready for you now.

Here's what's new:

  • Added a few locations from upcoming OWLMAN p2 to add more variation/landmarks to the environment. These replace some of the generic house ruins. Look for the barn visible from the starting point. These are mostly empty for now but will serve specific purpose in p2.

  • Set the location of the hidden tape to one of these structures. I haven't heard of anyone finding this in its current location. Please note that this hidden tape can only be located after finding the basement tape.

  • Added an alternate ending where the player escapes successfully.

  • Changed aspect ratio to fullscreen for more VHS authenticity.

  • Changed vehicle sounds. The engine audio no longer clips in and out.

  • Small change to English only text font.

  • Added a very slight ambient light to the world after returning from viewing the basement tape.

  • Added a couple easter eggs.

(Spoilers: Since the hidden tape is quite obscure, look for it now in the barn location after finding the basement tape. This is still pretty hard to get to considering that Owlman is directly in the path. The new alternate ending can be accessed through the tunnel also only after locating the basement tape.)

EDIT: changed the first paragraph of this announcement for more precise language around my reasoning for the change.

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