Hello Gamers, we have a small update for Slayground that brings several improvements and a few new features to the game. In this patch, we’ve added melee combat, grenades, and plethora of minor improvements along side quality of life changes and bug fixes. This is the only patch before our next, larger content update that addresses the core gameplay loop, so stay tuned and Happy Slaying!
New Features:
- Grenades: You now start with one grenade, with “Max Ammo” awarding a total of 4. Grenades explode and do massive damage
- Melee Combat: You now start with a baseball bat. A golf club and badminton racket can be obtained near the spawn. Melee does a fixed amount of quick damage but doesn’t require any ammo
- Spectating: When you have died, you can press “X” to spectate another player and “X” again to switch to available, living players
- Money Sharing: Press “B” to throw 100 moolah to share with your friends. Share as little or as much as you need to
- Crouching: Holding “Left Control” will allow you to crouch. Crouching grants you a significant accuracy bonus for all weapons
- More Regions: Matchmaking now supports Europe, Japan, Asia (Does not include China), South America, and South Korea
Gameplay Changes:
- Zombies will now crawl out of the ground instead of instantly appearing.
- Creeps now use a more robust attack system and will miss less often
- Revive time has been extended from 10 seconds to 30 seconds
- Visual Changes:
- All debris placeholders have been replaced with full textured, modeled, and animated visuals
- The Tower has been completely textured
- Shelter near the Playground has been completely textured
- The Playground in the Backyard is now climbable
- Minor lighting improvements all around
- Added a custom cursor for menu navigation
- Darts will now disappear when they bounce off an impact point rather than getting stuck standing up
- Weather is now randomized and will cycle through different types every 2 rounds. The 5th round will always have the exact same weather
- Added icons for melee weapons, grenades, and adjusted the look of others
- Adjusted the tower’s fences so that sniping is much easier when on the top
Quality of Life:
- All weapons have received a massive ammo increase
- The “Zombies Left” counter has been changed to “Creeps Left” to reflect the variety of enemies
- Player cards will now have unique designs per player
- Player card size has been increased for better readability
- The Kill Feed has been move to the top of the screen near the Round Counter for better readability
- Player cards will now show the status of a player, if they are downed or dead
- Interaction panel shows up much quicker
- Interactable objects now player a sound upon looking at them
- Hit markers on the crosshair are larger and more readable
- Confirmed hits will now play a sound. Critical hits and headshots will player a more distinct sound.
- A sound effect and visual indicator will now trigger when purchasing something or picking up something for free
- You will now be notified when you cannot afford something
- You can now use the scroll wheel to scroll between your melee weapon and firearms
- Pressing “Q” will now switch to your previous weapon
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where you could purchase a third firearm if you didn’t have a weapon equipped
- Fixed an issue where you could get ammo for free when trying to buy ammo
- Fixed an issue where revive triggers would stayed enabled even after being revived
- Fixed an issue where all players dying would not end the game
- Fixed an issue where exiting the game would not work for the host after the game ends
- Fixed an issue where the outline of an interactable object would persist on the host if a client enabled it
- Fixed an issue where the region for any and all players would automatically default to Europe
Known Issues:
- Occasionally, when selecting a new melee weapon, you will lose all melee weapons. You can fix this by trying again.
- The “Rain” weather effect causes performance issues when it first starts.
- When zooming in with any weapon, you can experience frame drops when zooming back out.
- Occasionally when sharing moolah, moolah may fall through the floor.
- When sprinting and jumping against some surfaces, you will have a higher than normal jump height and velocity.
- Creeps will occasionally get stuck or confused when large amounts are in the playing field.
- Some obstacles such as fences and support beams can be climbed or scaled, preventing creeps from damaging you
- Rarely, melee will not deal the full amount of damage
Changed files in this update