Hi friends,
as already announced last week, we just updated VR HOT.
You will be greeted (if activated) by a new spoken tutorial and we added a graphic for the default controller bindings.
Due to changing our code base to OpenXR and a recent update from Meta, we are able to offer an experimental version of Hand Tracking for VR HOT.
If you already know VR HOT for Quest (available on our Patreon) you are familiar with this - you don’t need controllers anymore (most of the time), just put them away, let the headset detect your real hands and you are ready to go.
We have tested it with Quest 1, 2 and Pro. And it also should work with other headsets supporting Hand Tracking.
To use it with a Quest, you will need to set up a Developer Account and then activate the „Runtime Features“ in the Settings of the Oculus Software.
If you are using hand tracking, you can choose between "Grab Mode" and "Touch Mode" in the Interaction Menu (left side).
With "Grab Mode" activated, you can connect your hand to parts the Hottie’s body. A green object will appear in your hand. Move it into the Hottie's mouth, hips or vagina and then connect it by making a grab pose with your hand. Make sure not to start the „grab pose“ before entering the Hottie’s body. Now you can hold your penis, a dildo or a fleshlight in real life and control the Hottie’s movements at the same time.
Switching to OpenXR also improved performance significantly - at least 10%, but we saw up to 40%!
IMPORTANT for Oculus/Meta users: Go to the settings in the Oculus software and change the Runtime to OpenXR.
We added a couple of things for the creation of Hotties - more Hair Styles, more designable pieces of clothing, sliders for Teeth and Eye Depth.
Some others might need explanations.
Improved Soft-body Simulation: You can toggle it with the new check box „Muscle“
Self-Shadowing: You can toggle it with the new check box „Ambient Shadows“
Feet Placement Player Body: The feet don’t „float“ anymore, they „stand“. You will also recognize more stability in your Player Body while moving with smooth locomotion.
Hair: There is a new drop down menu with 4 quality levels. „Ultra“ is very demanding performance-wise!
And there are many smaller improvements such as skin, light, UI, rendering on male Hotties and even more…please check out the full list below!
Take care
HottieCard Discord
Website (incl. FAQs)
Full list:
New: Hand Tracking on Quest 2 (needs dev account) and other headsets capable of hand tracking (experimental)
New: OpenXR
New: Drop Down Menu for Hair Quality
New: More designable Clothing Pieces
New: 10 more Hair Styles
New: Sliders for Teeth and Eye Depth
New: Toggle VR view on Desktop
New: Self-shadowing of Hottie
Improvement: UI / Menu Navigation
Improvement: Smooth Locomotion Speed adjusted for different Settings
Improvement: Cloth Simulation
Improvement: New Hair Shader
Improvement: Soft-body Simulation, especially on loose skin setting
Improvement: Feet Placement Player Body
Improvement: Eye Rendering
Improvement: Skin Rendering
Improvement: Teeth & Mouth Rendering
Improvement: Male Hottie Rendering (Joints, Light)
Improvement: Lights & Shadows in „Bedroom“
Bug Fix: Vagina deformed after switching Hottie Gender
Known Issue: Full Body Cloth Collision leading to unwanted effects (e.g. Arms under Cloth)
Known Issue: Menus covering stuff (hands, etc.) (with upscaling)
Known Issue: Slider don't work correctly in VR mode after switching to Desktop mode and back to VR mode (Unity bug)
Changed files in this update