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DREAMWILD update for 13 March 2023

DREAMWILD Patch Notes for March 13th, 2023

Share · View all patches · Build 10758866 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is a small patch that brings a handful of quality of life changes and bugfixes to DREAMWILD.

  • Added "Withdraw 10" and "Deposite 10" Buttons to Gubbin Bank, to make large orders easier
  • Gubbins now magnetize to the player when close, making them much easier to pick up
  • Fixed bug where Enemies would keep searching for the player after either they or the player had died
  • Fixed bug where shadow enemy would cut itself off with its own explosion
  • Miscellaneous Particle optimizations

A sneak peak for the future...

Future content for DREAMWILD is still in the works! I can't quite give an ETA for this content just yet, but I'm working to bring it to you as soon as possible!
Take a look at these top secret screenshots!

I hope you're all excited! I sure am! I'll have more details for this coming soon.

Support Fading Club on Patreon!

Fading Club now has a patreon! If you'd like to support our games, it'd be greatly appreciated if you'd take a look!
The patreon page features weekly devlogs on the development of DreamWild, with exclusive videos, screenshots, music, and more, so you can keep up to date on how things are coming along!
You can take a look at the patreon page here!

Once again, I thank you all for playing DreamWild. It's great to see what people think of the game, so any feedback or suggestions are greatly appreciated! If you have any questions, bug reports, or simply want to talk about something, feel free to send me a message or post in the discussion forums!


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