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Striving for Light: Survival update for 13 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10758722 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Features

Manual Aim as Optional Setting

We have added a highly requested feature: The manual aim option!

You can now switch to manual aim mode in the options menu which will let you aim all attacks manually. The attacks are still triggered automatically once the cooldown is ready so you can fully focus on your movement, aiming and dodging. We did our best to support as many input types as possible and hope that everyone will find their desired way of aiming their attacks.

These input methods are now supported for aiming:

  • aim with you mouse by simply pointing into the desired attack direction
  • aim with the keyboard arrow keys to aim left, right, top or down
  • aim with the right stick when you are playing with controller
  • aim with the XYBA buttons for left, up, right, down attack directions 

The game tutorial has been added to all maps now and is dynamically updated depending on if you have manual aiming active or not.

New Mechanic: Critical Hit Damage

With this update we are introducing a brand new mechanic to Striving for Light: Survival. Crit Damage. Crit damage depends on two new stats:

  • Critical Hit Chance: the chance your attacks and skills perform a critical hit
  • Critical Hit Damage: the damage bonus if you have performed a critical hit

The critical hit chance counts for all of your attacks and skills. These two new stats can be increased by a new skill node.

New Base Skill Node: Critical Hit Chance

Increases the critical hit chance and the critical hit damage of all your attacks and skills.

New Damage Number System

Damage numbers are now coloured and sized depending on the amount of damage you have dealt. This should make character progression feel more satisfying and easier to read how much damage was dealt as damage ranges relate to the colours of the damage numbers. There is also a new crit damage number with a unique crit icon and new sound effect, which will appear once you landed a critical hit.

  • Increased serpent projectile brightness
  • Increased void trap projectile brightness
  • Heleja has +5 % critical hit chance
  • Rogue has +10% critical hit chance and +20 % critical hit damage
  • Goladir has +10% critical hit damage
  • Fixed a bug which caused skill damage numbers to not be displayed. 
  • Fixed a bug which caused trembling ground to trigger plenty of glaring light effects which destroyed the game performance.
  • Fixed a bug with could lead to a crash or bad performance when playing the flail weapon with trembling ground attack modifier.
  • Fixes for not unlocking ranger achievement
  • Fixed wrong initial scroll value for choose map scroll list

If you encounter any bugs or issues please let us know. The best way to engage in the ongoing development of Striving for Light is our discord:

Join our official discord!

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