- Improved the way the holofield distortion effects are done and added additional ripples for moving players, balls & projectiles
- Added Ringressa's Move, Dash & Projectile animations
- Fixed bug in Target Takedown when playing as Princess or Ringressa that would cause a crash
- Fixed font scaling for points when playing Bonus games with Hi-Res fonts option turned on
- Stopped multiple error warnings popping up on screen at once during tutorials
- Made some small changes in various places to try and fix a bug that one specific player is having in the melee spin tutorial
- Disabled super and hyper moves for advanced training lessons that shouldn't use it
- Improved Perfect Parry slightly removing some player and ball positioning bugs and making the melee animation skip to later in its animation cycle
- Reduced window for a Perfect Parry from 4 frames to 2
- When the electric status effect is applied to a player, the sprite will be now be drawn the correct way up
- Corrected error in code that meant AI would perform greater than intended at ball clashes at high levels and worse at lower
- Attempted to fix rare issue where AI would not move towards a still ball on their side
- Fixed a bug that causes crash during King boss battle sometimes when a goal is scored
- Increased hitbox of Bzzt during hyper move to cause less situations where they miss the ball
- Fixed a crash when mashing the confirm button as the end card art is first appearing
- Urnest outline draws correctly again in menus and dialogue etc
- When hi-res fonts are on the pause/end of match menu header backing is no longer off centre
- Changed advanced tutorial menu button numbering to be in Kliancish instead of stars
- Turned back on a layer on Plazzma Penthouse that was turned off by accident, making the goals and some other elements not visible
- Holofield text x position is clamped further to the right
- Fixed Bzzt's projectile charged shine on right side player to be in correct position
- Hit FX now produce a wider range of coloured glow particles
Changed files in this update