- fixed: wrong volume calculations when repairing gun using oil
- added: a few more loot spawns in Lost Wing City houses
- fixed: bullet trail vfx does not perperfectly aligned with real bullet direction (after NPC’s accuracy is applied)
- added: NPC’s traders now turns themself to the player (or nearest target)
- improved: allied wastelanders AI behaviour (the ones that follow you and help you in the wasteland, not city guards)
- added: gun trader at Lost Wings now buys handmade gun and crossbow (you can craft it and sell it now)
- added: rusty/wolfram nuts exchange trader at Bazaar Tower, with better rates
- fixed: no reinforcements flown to the Outpost if the current units died from lack of food or water
- changed: more dark background under inventory
- added: note about double-click left mouse button (for quick taking/equipping items) in Controls sections in Main Menu
- added: system message “No Space For It” when player wants stack items but there is no more space to store it
- fixed: wrong position on mini-map when player travel by a vehicle
Plains of Pain update for 13 March 2023
Patch v0.18.473
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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