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Starship Troopers: Terran Command update for 14 March 2023

Scenario Editor with Steam Workshop functionality is out now

Share · View all patches · Build 10756968 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings Citizens,

Do you sit at home and think, how could I better do my part? Well think no more!

Build for the Federation today with the new Scenario Editor for Starship Troopers: Terran Command. Included in this powerful editor is everything a citizen needs to build the bright future of humanity, including:

  • The Scenario Editor can be accessed in game through the main menu. Just click the Editor button and your creative journey will begin!

  • Access to everything that was used to make the original single player campaign: Assets, units, terrain, props and more. Plus the ability to load those missions into the editor to see how they were done.

  • Powerful scripting system to showcase your creativity. Make your own cinematic scenes using the in game engine, with commentary, unit movement, special effects and more.

  • Easy-to-use terrain tools let you design your level without the need for any complicated learning. Just choose a terrain style, height and then paint away with simple brush and placement tools. No need to do any complex image mapping or other complex terrain techniques.

  • Bring your mods to the Steam Workshop and share them with the world. The built-in Steam Workshop integration allows players to play your mods straight from the game itself. Our welcoming Discord modding community is also on hand to help you get the most out of the editor.

Scenario Editor live stream

To celebrate this release we will be hosting a “What’s your mod?” live stream on our Twitch channel today at 5 pm CEST, featuring the developers of Starship Troopers: Terran Command with Edmon. They will recreate a movie scene in the Editor, so we encourage all fans of the game to tune in and join us for the celebration.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today and create your world.

Scenario Editing Guarantees Citizenship.

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