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RPG Fitness VR update for 13 March 2023

Release Notes for Version 0.4 (Early Access)

Share · View all patches · Build 10756922 · Last edited 13 March 2023 – 17:13:39 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Swordy Quest VR just got a major update, following heavy input all weekend. It's packed with exciting changes that'll make your gameplay experience even more immersive and challenging! Here's what you can expect in version 0.4:

  • New Creature AI Hierarchy: Now, creatures will attack weaker ones, only to become prey to even stronger creatures. It's a true survival of the fittest system, and you'll have to keep your wits about you to stay alive.

  • Night Terrors: After sunset, aggressive enemies will have a much greater aggro distance. Stay on your guard!

  • More Realistic Environment: Birds will now attack chickens and rabbits on the ground, while far away objects will no longer look like cubes. And speaking of immersion, you'll now hear the sound of the ocean when you're on the beach, as well as background music and ambient bird songs.

  • Improved Usability: We've made some changes to the main menu and creature movement, and we've improved the physics of the bow and arrow to make it feel more realistic. Plus, creatures won't fall over on steep slopes anymore - no more embarrassing moments with wolves tumbling down hills!

  • Game Balance: We've made some adjustments to the game balance as well, including making Golden Eagles rarer, increasing the running speed of wolves, and improving the robustness of creatures in the realm so they don't fall over on steep slopes.

  • Bug Fixes: We fixed the coloring and look of flint, so it looks better than ever.

  • New Timid Rabbits: We've added another type of creature to the mix - timid rabbits. Now you'll encounter aggressive, aggressive-when-provoked, defensive-when-provoked, and fully timid creatures.

And that's not all - we've also added selectable buttons that can be selected from a distance, and fighting music for when enemies attack.

So what are you waiting for? Jump into Swordy Quest VR version 0.4 and experience all these exciting changes for yourself!

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