Update 0.4.6 makes building structures much easier by having builders pick up supplies automatically. Additionally, there are now animated particles whenever items move.
Patch Notes:
- Item movement is visually indicated by particle effects
- Build grid shows corruption information
- Builders automatically pick up nearby supplies and also from harbors and depots
- Improved unit pushing behavior to make them move more smoothly
- Ghost walking units of opponents can now be body blocked
- Cargo slider makes a unit wait for goal load and is reset when reached
- Recorded commands are no longer cancelled when they are the only command in the queue
- Recording commands appends to the last recorded command instead of the last in the queue
- Attack moving onto neutral units is treated as focus fire
- Tribe starts with only 2 travois
- Warrior extra upgrade costs more and takes longer to research
- Lobbies that are not full after 30 seconds are aborted
- Added an observe button next to players in the score sheet to join their games directly
- While waiting for a tournament game, it is now possible to enter another game (mission / custom / tournament observing) without leaving the queue
- Upgrade to Unreal Engine 5.1
- Main menu can be closed with the shortcut that opens it
- Trailer music replaced old main menu music
Changed files in this update