Today's update includes many useful improvements, especially for new players. The tutorial was rebuilt from scratch, gamepad controls improved, movement improved, objectives made more obvious, and a couple HUD improvements. Full list below:
Training level redone to be faster and more gameplay-like
Firinghouse now has virtual screen listing all challenges on current level
Edited training messages and text at savegame doors to be more concise
Changed default ball trail lifetime to 4 seconds to prevent viewport from having too many trails
Changed default hand style to chrome, it's shiny!
Added loading messages that say what is being loaded next for training and menu selection areas
Removed "new record!" notification which was flooding the screen
Added "New Trophy Point!" which shows on the HUD when a new trophy point has been earned
Changed the collectable fox area light from blue to orange
Added the training level to the arcade mode map rotation
Training level trophy points now count toward the main game
All tooltips automatically detect whether you're using gamepad or keyboard and display only relevant information
Added "Door unlocked!" notification when an adventure mode door unlocks
Changed around some door unlock values to make the level selection area easier to navigate
Improved movement mechanics including slower speeds during surfing
Running, flying, and surfing are all much more intuitive to do with the controller
Activating sprinting by clicking L-stick on the gamepad now toggles so you don't have to hold it
Improved controller stick sensitivity settings
Fixed overhead satellite camera position on ForestPlinko
Made a caged-in walking path to the tutorial level, so you actually walk there instead of just warping around confusingly
Added 2047 lore
Changed files in this update