The controls have changed - thanks to everyone who has given feedback on controls over the course of Early Access!
- Hotkeys have been eliminated in favor of an 8-way radial quick select menu that pauses the action. Hold Middle Click (Mouse), R (Keyboard) or R1/RB to bring it up.
- Dodging and running have been combined into a single button, mapped to Left Shift (Keyboard) or Circle/B (Gamepad). Tap while still to dodge, tap while moving forward to roll, and hold to run.
- Reloading is no longer a button. Guns must be aimed to fire, otherwise they will reload.
- Minimap toggle on Gamepad is now L1/LB.
- The D-Pad now always works the same for movement as the Left Analog Stick, so you can use either.
Please try the new scheme before modifying the keybindings, and definitely give feedback via bug reports(press / in-game), e-mail or Discord if there's something you don't like!
Other Changes in 1.02
- Fix an issue introduced in 1.01 where keybindings did not save
- Fix some untranslated quest text in the Night Mother Quest series
- Rogue Ring has been buffed: does 40% extra damage and works with either regular or heavy attacks
- Added the Vampire Locket, an amulet which adds vampirism to your melee weapon - random loot in Chapter 3/4
- Fix some strange IK moments when aiming the gun while not looking at any enemies
- Fix a crash on some GPUs in some seeds on Chapter 4
Changed files in this update