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Peglin update for 17 March 2023

v0.8.30 Patch Notes + Peglin @ The MIX!

Share · View all patches · Build 10752494 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:06:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Apologies for the late patch notes, this update went live on Mar. 12 but I've been pretty scattered lately with a lot of exciting things in the works and I pushed it off longer than I should've 😅

First things first, we'll have an updated Peglin trailer airing in The MIX Online showcase today at 10am PST! Catch a glimpse of some of the new content in action and see the name & release date for our next major update! (The MIX will have a ton of other awesome indie games showcased as well, it's definitely worth checking out!)

The MIX Direct Spring Showcase

There's also an in-person component to the showcase in San Francisco on Monday, come say hi if you're around! (And thanks to everyone that came by to say hi at ECCC earlier this month, it's always great to get a chance to chat with you!)

v0.8.30 Patch Notes

This is another mostly-bugfix release with just a little bit of new content, but I promise we've got our noses to the grindstone and have some really fun stuff in the works :)

  • New Rare Relic: Branch of Ember - When adding brambles to enemies, also apply 2 blind. When adding blind to an un-brambled enemy, also apply 1 bramble.
  • Shiny new options menu!
  • Post-battle healing display changed to only display how much health it will actually heal you for.
  • When adding an orb post-battle, if the Perfect Forge reduces your health from maximum the heal option should now properly display.
  • Forge Scenario should no longer error out when you have no more orbs left to upgrade.
  • Visual improvements made to reduce flickering with the shot prediction line, especially with Unicorn Horn active.
  • Slime on moving pegs should no longer display above the bottom bouncers when peg moves behind them.
  • Several misc keyboard/controller UI navigation fixes.
macOS steamglobal Peglin OSX Beta Depot 1296611
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Windows steamglobal Peglin Windows Beta Depot 1296612
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Windows steamglobal Peglin Live Win Depot Depot 1296613
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macOS steamglobal Peglin Live OSX Depot Depot 1296614
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