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Red Sea update for 13 March 2023

Red Sea Releases Today

Share · View all patches · Build 10751694 · Last edited 13 March 2023 – 13:59:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey, everyone. I'm Paul, the developer of Red Sea. I started working on this game in Oct of 2021 (~1.5 years in development) and am proud to be releasing it today. While this isn't my first game, I do consider it my first serious game project. The incredible amount of things I learned from this experience has me excited for what comes next on my game dev journey. But for now, I hope people enjoy Red Sea.

A couple tips:

  1. Play the tutorial mode and explore the UI. There might be aspects of the gameplay or controls you're not used to, but there is a lot of information tucked away in different places.
  2. By default, the game starts pretty easy so people can focus on how things work. But at any time, you can go to Settings -> Preferences and choose a Preferred Rank from 1-100 to always receive contracts around that rank. Most people should be able to find a suitable mission difficulty somewhere in that range.

Thanks to everyone who tries the game or has supported me along the way.


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