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Stronghold's Dungeon update for 12 March 2023

Major content update #1

Share · View all patches · Build 10751657 · Last edited 12 March 2023 – 20:26:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone, you've waited long enough for the first major content update and here it is. This update will add a new playable character alongside with their own unique mechanics, new cards, artifacts, monsters, curse, and a new map with a room system that will allow me more freedom and content for the future.


Instead of adding more and more cards to the same pool of cards, I've decided to make multiple characters with each their own mechanics and cards.
This new character is called THE WARLOCK
The warlock has 2 new mechanics;

  • Mana
    Mana allows you to cast powerful spells and will reset every time you defeat a monster.
  • Haunt
    Haunt is a new type of damage. Instead of directly dealing damage, haunt is delayed by one turn, and if you've used an extra roll this turn, your haunt damage will be DOUBLED!

I hope that you'll have fun trying every possible combo with this character and figuring things out.


This update also contains a new mechanic which will be expanded in the future. From now on, the dungeon will sometimes have multiple choices and rooms with different effects. For now, you only have 3 types of rooms;

  • Normal room
  • Elite room ( Battle an elite monster and get a free artifact if you make it through )
  • Blind room (You cannot see the HP of the enemy while inside this room)

I am working on some new types of rooms and more branching paths for the future to make sure that every run feels unique.


  • Buffed Excalibur artifact.
  • Buffed Zombie Formula Artifact
  • Buffed Treant
  • Buffed Shrunken Head
  • Nerfed Wicker man

Quality of life improvement

  • Settings are now saved
  • Multiple bugs and typos fixed.
  • When reaching max level you will unlock the ability to reroll cards.
  • The tutorial has been turned off and i am working on a better version of it.


This update took a little bit longer for me to release than I expected, but here it is! If you're curious about what I have planned for the future, I can tell you that I'm working on a new character, new monsters, cards, artifacts, rooms, and a way to go past the last boss. I really want to make it special and not just another monster with more HP, so if you have ideas, don't hesitate to post them in the Steam forums.

Thanks for your time and reading everything. If you've made it this far, you should check out the credits because there might be something hidden in there. Also, don't hesitate to give me feedback and tell me what you want to see added to the game in the Steam forums.


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