General Changes
- The game is overlaid with partial darkness when a dialogue shows up
- Reorganized the 'needs' buildings category to make more sense when looked at from left to right
- The game now automatically saves when a player leaves in multiplayer (with any cause)
AI Improvements
- Researches upgrades in the library
- Uses marketplace to buy essentials if they are lacking
- Builds extra food shops if some of its houses are out of range
- Area designated for house building is larger
- Builds extra storehouses to prevent traffic
- Assigns multiple workers to multi-slot workplaces
Gameplay Changes
- Refusing alliance or neutrality no longer costs knowledge
- Luxuries are consumed slightly faster
- Decorated Tiles now count as a road, but emits only 1 appeal instead of 2
- Added a second version of decorated tile
- Non-owned buildings can now be selected aswell (cannot see wares or inhabitants)
Bug Fixes
- Orchards' placement now properly checks for borders
- Fixed farmer's 'planting seeds' animation not having sound
- Fixed caravan wares on UI spilling off screen
- Fixed partially-built towers not being destroyed when territory is captured
- Bowmen now properly show attack animations while firing from inside the castle
- Garrisoned soldiers properly get hidden in fog of war
- Diplomatic interaction buttons are no longer interactable on defeated players
- Once a player is defeated, their villagers will stop spawning
- Fixed player 1 (red) not spawning if they are set as AI
- Tutorial no longer crashes when played in a different language other than english
Graphics Changes
- Added sound effect to farmer picking apples, cabbages and planting cabbages
Changed files in this update