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Plumpy Uprising update for 12 March 2023

V0.2 Update and What's Next

Share · View all patches · Build 10751539 · Last edited 12 March 2023 – 19:59:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update time! This one focuses heavily on balance but also includes some UI updates and some new visuals too. You can find the patch notes below, but first a few comments about the things we are working on.

We have an eye on balance! In this update we tried to reduce the effectiveness of some of the massively overtuned items, while also bringing up some of the underpowered things. More updates to come.

In addition to UI updates and improvements, we are working on new art. Some are included in this update, but more to come such as new hotkeys.

Audio Variety
Soon we will have an updated sound system. This will give us the ability to add some variety to sounds, making the game sound more dynamic. We will also be adding and tweaking sounds in the coming update.

New Content
Without saying too much, we think elders, gifts, difficulties and other systems that add uniqueness to each playthrough are fun! More to come…

V0.2 Notes


  • Added difficulty 6, good luck!
  • Clicking in negative space when menu is open in game will close the menu
  • New VFX when tower disappears on map scroll
  • New credits screen
  • Various other fixes


  • Beam Blaster: Reduced attack speed to 0.3 seconds (down from 0.25 seconds)
  • Beam Blaster: The gift that increases damage at range no longer increases it more than intended.
  • Chunk Chucker no longer does full damage in an area. It now does full damage on the tile it lands, and part damage (currently 50%) to tiles around.
  • Strength Sapper: No longer buffs self.
  • Strength Sapper: Decreased damage buff duration from 5 to 4
  • Path Poker: Default slow per attack increased to 5% from 1%.
  • Path Poker : Increased the number of armor stacks from 1 each lvl to 3 for a total of 15%
  • Float Flinger: Increased damage to 25 (from 10), decreased duration it holds plumpies to 2 seconds (from 3).
  • Life Leecher: Reduced damage to 15 from 20.
  • Increased Shard Spitter Range 10 -> 14 (1 tile)
  • Decreased Shard Spitter rare gift additional plumpies from 2 to 1.
  • New Float Flinger gifts! Without spoiling them - will just say that they are much more unique to the tower.
  • Stacks of slow last 4 seconds, down from 6.
  • Slow and speed buffs now show on the plumpies more consistently.
  • Improved various tooltips on towers and gifts (and added some missing)
Windows Depot 1950581
  • Loading history…
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