GHPC Early Access has been updated to version 20230228.2.
This is a minor update, introducing small adjustments and bug fixes.
EDIT: We updated the build on 2023-03-13 with a small hotfix to correct an issue where M113 and BRDM-2 crews ignored the new panic rules.
- Added gunnery optic to commander's M85 cupola machine gun on M60 series tanks (automatically used when the cupola gun is selected)
- Tank and scout vehicle crews will now abandon their vehicle when it is combat ineffective
- Light vehicle crews will now have a chance to panic and bail out when their crew compartment is pierced by munitions, with a higher chance for larger caliber threats
- Added an option in the Q menu to bail out, allowing the crew to be saved in a hopeless situation (in a campaign, this avoids harsher logistics penalties for personnel losses)
- Tuned suspension on several vehicles, especially the BTR-60PB, which should now be much less eager to spring into the air
- Free cam is now immune to blur effects
- Added correct tracer ratio to .50 caliber belts for M85 cupola guns
- Reverted previous decrease in maximum spall bounces for better damage effect
- Removed spall penalty on 3BM20
- Increased scroll speed on unit switch menu
- Updated credits
- Fixed T-72 tanks' TPD-K1 gunsight having too low magnification
- Fixed base model M1 Abrams lacking lighter colored backing field for number decals
- Fixed BMP-1 gunner being immune to compartment penetration panic
- Fixed .50 caliber ammunition carrying too much velocity at long range
- Fixed mesh issue on T-72M1 commander hatch
- Fixed rare issue that could cause a unit's loss not to be fully registered
Thanks for playing!
Changed files in this update