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Spaceflight Factory : Prologue update for 12 March 2023

Update : Space Simulation

Share · View all patches · Build 10751385 · Last edited 12 March 2023 – 20:09:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Features:

  • Auto Save: The game now automatically saves progress at regular intervals, reducing the risk of losing progress due to crashes or other issues.
  • Skip Tutorial Button: Players can now skip the tutorial and jump right into the game.
  • Marching Cube Rendering: We've implemented the Marching Cube algorithm to render rocket models and other space-related objects. (Also added new models such as: satellites, thrusters, and space shuttles...)
  • Solar System: The game now includes the (Sun, Earth, Jupiter, Mars...), allowing players to navigate through the solar system.
  • N-body Physics: N-body physics implemented, adding a new level of dynamic and engaging gameplay.
  • High-Speed Simulation: Players can now speed up the physics simulation by x10000000 while in space.
    Visual Trajectory Prediction: Rockets and other celestial bodies now have visual trajectory predictions, enhancing gameplay and strategy.
  • In-Game Videos: I've added in game videos explaining how each building works, making it easier for players to understand game mechanics.
  • A ton of bugs and crashes have been fixed thanks to player feedback.

Known Issues (will be implemented soon):

  • No antialiasing: Antialiasing has not yet been implemented for rendering and fonts.
  • Saving/Loading Rockets: The game does not currently save/load rockets once they are launched.
  • Idle Game Economy: The "idle game" economy is temporary and will most likely be replaced by something linear in the full game release.
  • Unbalanced Enemy Swarms: The swarms of incoming enemies are not yet balanced.

I apologize for the rare updates. While this is not my main activity, I'm doing my best and keep working as much as I can. The full release of the game is still scheduled for later this year.

Windows 64-bit Depot 2219581
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