Hello there!
Today I have another hotfix that includes one fix with a notable effect on gameplay. It turns out the wounds system stopped working recently, but it has been re-enabled in this build.
So how do wounds work? If a unit gets hit in the legs, they take less damage from that hit but receive a "wound" (up to 3), which slows a unit and causes them to slowly lose health. A unit with three wounds goes prone and cannot stand. Medics can heal wounds, and so can the HQ with the "First Aid Outpost" upgrade from the HQ page. Wounds can make the game more difficult, but they can also be used to your advantage. For instance, when facing multiple enemies, if you wound one enemy it is often a good idea to then focus on healthy units, as that wounded unit will likely bleed out unless a medic gets to them. Wounds are not present in the "Arcade" game mode, which can be enabled from the Gameplay Options page.
Thanks everyone who has been playing the game and providing feedback!
- Fixed wounds not applying on leg shots
- Fixed crash when trying to run with T-Rex
- Fixed crash when ending a campaign mission with human players on both teams
- Units who bleed out while in a building are now ejected from a building (Fixes bug where incapacitated units can sometimes be controlled)
- Fixed mission not ending in defeat when HQ destroyed in "Hot Desert Heat"
Changed files in this update