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Heroes of Steel RPG update for 12 March 2023

Update #120: All New Hero, Syvana the Witch

Share · View all patches · Build 10751027 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update #120 brings a week's worth -- that's a lot! -- of balances, fixes and improvements to the Witch. We've fixed crashes, clarified Talent text, add more Skill connections to her Talents and balanced out her options to make sure she stands but is fun and fair within the game's meta.

If you are enjoying the new hero, please be sure to leave a review!

Our upcoming heist RPG is on the way!

Right now ~1,000 of the Kickstarter backers for our next game, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint have access to the game’s private alpha and are giving us great feedback as the game gets closer to Early Access. We also have some public demos on our roadmap for events coming up this fall. Make sure you’ve wishlisted and followed Cyber Knights for news and a special discount when it’s released!

Fixed Crashes

Crashes were top priority - the Respec crash and crash when viewing some of the Witch's Talents are now resolved. Please report any others.

Some of her Talents have had their Skill links redone and these are all clearly stated, along with their effects in the Skill leveling screens. Malediction is linked to Sorcery and Lifeforce Regeneration is linked to Conjuring now, for example.

In additional, Skills now have a bigger impact on Malediction and Lifeforce Regeneration. Malediction has had its base Damage reduced but now gains bonus Damage equal to (Sorcery x Talent level) which can be a pretty mean bonus if you invest enough in the Skill. In the same way, Lifeforce Regeneration relies on Conjuring and gains a (Conjuring x Talent level) bonus to its healing power.

Bones of the Earth healing Talent continues to use Lore and gets the same healing bonus always granted, (Lore x Talent level).

This new Skill arrangement helps push a much more interesting meta around what Skills to train for the Witch, now forcing you to dump Skill points into your curse Skills more actively to power them and reduces the easier choice to just focus on Spears.

Level Restrictions

The Witch's Talent level restrictions were not correctly setup when she was launched. We've resolved that with this update. The following Talents changed their requirements -

  • Req Lvl 3 = Leyline Gravity
  • Req Lvl 6 = Quagmire & Cabal of One
  • Req Lvl 12 = Edgescatter & Preternatural Speed

Rebalances - Ups and Nerfs

There have been a set of boosts and nerfs across the Talent set.

The SP cost of all of Syvana's empowered attacks has been reduced -- Skewer, Edgescatter and Blinding Strike. We've also fixed the missing bonus Damage and bonus Accuracy for Edgescatter and Blinding Strike which will make these Talents significantly more interesting. Blinding Strike's 9th and 10th level also debuff -2 AP (ohhh, Hex Web anyone?)

Cabal of One gained more Earth Damage to make this angle of its buff more appealing.

In the nerf category, Occult Calling lost a point of max throwing range for spears, maxing out now at 5 instead of 6. We also removed the redundant +X All Melee Skills (because the Talent is already granting +X Spears Skill) and the bonus +Dmg to keep it fair and put more emphasis on empowered attacks.

Malediction now costs 2 AP to use.

Hex Web - One to Many

There were icons and text in the game that confusingly indicated the Hex Web was a multi-target AOE curse. It is not - it is a one-to-many Talent that can push curses. We have adjusted the in-game text and display to make this clearer.

Keep Posting Feedback and Bugs!

We've made a huge heap of improvements and critical bug fixes based on the community's feedback already so keep it up. Adding a new character with new abilities affects so much of the game it's impossible for us to account for all possible interactions. If you encounter any bugs with Syvana, let us know at or through the Steam forums, and we'll roll out a patch.

v5.1.3 - 3/12/2023

  • All new character, Syvana the Witch!
  • Fixed potential crash with Respec on Witch
  • Clarified many Talent descriptions and rules
  • Swapped multiple Talents between Lore, Conjuring and Sorcery for better groupings, clearly stated which Skills raise Duration and AOE targets
  • Significantly reduced SP cost of Skewer, Edgescatter and Blinding Strike empowered attacks
  • Added missing bonus Accuracy and Damage to Edgescatter and Blinding Strike
  • Fixed level requirements on Talents - Req Lvl 3 = Leyline Gravity, Req Lvl 6 = Quagmire & Cabal of One, Req Lvl 12 = Edgescatter & Preternatural Speed
  • Increased Earth Dmg bonus from Cabal of One
  • Level 9 & 10 of Blinding Strike cause -2 AP debuff
  • Clarified that Hex Web is a single target debuff which can push curses to multiple nearby enemies (one to many, not many to many)
  • Reduced Occult Calling's max throwing range for spears from 6 to 5
  • Removed redundant +X All Melee Skills and bonus +Z Dmg from Occult Calling
  • Malediction costs 2 AP to cast, reduced base damage but added bonus damage by Sorcery Skill
  • Reduced Primeval Regeneration Death Curse range to max 3, reduced base healing but added bonus healing by Lore Skill
  • Fixed oodles of typos
Windows English Heroes of Steel Content Depot 291191
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macOS English Heroes of Steel: Tactics RPG for MAC Depot 291192
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Linux 64-bitEnglish Heroes of Steel: Tactics RPG for Linux Depot 291193
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Linux 32-bitEnglish Heroes of Steel RPG Depot Linux 32 Depot 291194
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