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GRAPPIN update for 24 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10750935 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone!

GRAPPIN is now available on Steam!

The game I have been working on for a very long time in my spare time has finally been released.
It feels unreal and it's hard to put my thoughts into words.

This has been a long road finishing this game but I’m happy that GRAPPIN is now available to all.

GRAPPIN is priced at 12.99$ (12.79€, 1500¥) and GRAPPIN Original Soundtrack is priced at 3.99$. (3.99€, 470¥) There is a 15% discount on the first week.

There is also the GRAPPIN Deluxe Edition, which regroups both the full game and the original soundtrack at a reduced price. (15% discount)

Also, yet to be verified by Valve but GRAPPIN is fully compatible with Steam Deck.

Launch trailer:

I do hope that you will enjoy your journey to the summit!
Please feel free let me know your feedback and thoughts about the game.

Oh and we do have a Discord server!
Feel free to join on the fun!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the continued support, feedback and kindness.
Me and Benoit have poured our hearts into the making of this game and we hope that you will enjoy your journey to the top of the mountain.

Enough talk, now go on sharping your grapple hook, put on your polar coat and scarf!

Adventure awaits!


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