Version 230309R2
We have just updated the game, you might have to restart Steam to download it.
Please note: All the changes are work in progress and do not represent final quality. Performance might be temporarily lower than usual. Memory usage is likely higher.
New Features:
- Flares no longer spawn lights during the day, but are still useful at night.
Changes and fixes:
- Improved performance of the Exploded Head Mesh.
- Improved performance of Blood Decals.
- Improved performance of chopped legs, arms and heads.
- Improved performance of digging remove grass significantly.
- Improved performance of explosion fire burn particles.
- Improved performance of weapon pooling slightly.
- Fixed non deformable terrain on Fort Henry-Lyon.
- Increased Ammo of Gatling Gun.
- Fixed a bug with picking up flags with swords.
- Fixed a bug with fire from explosions not despawning correctly.
- Fixed a client bug with the wrong cannons being used in different eras.
- Medics get more score now for healing and reviving.
- Fixed some code that clients were running for bots that they didn't need to.
- Removed flag bearers from rogue bots.
- Added skirmisher rankers to rogue bots.
- Changed water height setting for random maps.
- Changed layers for horses to make them perform better.
Changed files in this update