Patch notes of Steam update #153, released on March 12th, 2023:
- Re-added Minigames to the default Team Mission's map pool
- Added control points markers
- Added a round timer set to 3 minutes
- Added capture zones markers
- Added capture zones markers
- Implemented _jb_wep_bouncynadetimer convar to let server operators control for how long loose Bouncy grenades can bounce (changing this convar won't affect already thrown grenades)
Player Models
- Fixed HL1 Pitworm's footsteps not playing
User Interface
- Fixed missing CTF related center screen messages
- Fixed hidden capture points still had visible world markers
- Tweaked input focus groups for the text chat and the end map voting screen
- Updated the scoreboard to display the total amount of players' skulls in Head Hunt game mode
- Fixed help, find, and other convar lookup commands truncating the description of convars
- Fixed the server creation menu always setting _jb_botdifficulty convar value to NaN
- Updated localization files
- Updated the launcher on Windows to request the best graphics device available
- Fixed client crash on attempt to take a screenshot in TGA format (ie: using the screenshot command)
- Updated certain music soundtracks to loop
- Tweaked surrounding boxes recalculation for entities to properly scale with their models (fixes crouched players being immune to headshots under certain angles)
- Fixed the 'Absorb Next Fall' condition not applying to wall slams
- Fixed certain third person animations not playing sometimes
- Updated _jb_trigger_captureflag to perform team filtering only through its linked control point when set, falling back to the old behavior otherwise
- Replaced _teamplay_flagevent event with _teamplay_flagpickup, _teamplay_flagdrop, _teamplay_flagreturn, and _teamplay_flagcapture
SDK tools
- Made certain game specific configurations in Hammer cutstomizable again
- Fixed missing 'Load Last Good Save' popup dialog on Hammer startup after a crash
- Fixed Hammer sometimes unable to render textures in dialog windows
- Holding space in Hammer's 3D view will now speed boost the camera movement
- Renamed _postprocesscontroller to _env_postprocesscontroller (the old name will remain functional)
- Added SetVignetteEnabled input to the _env_postprocesscontroller entity
- Added various fields and inputs missing from the _env_tonemapcontroller entity's FGD entry
- Added SetColorCorrectionController and SetPostProcessController inputs to the player entities
Changed files in this update