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The Doors of Trithius update for 12 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10749203 · Last edited 12 March 2023 – 04:19:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed towns and cities spawning with a second player house.
  • Fixed issue with teleport traps, where player would teleport back to previous location.
  • Fixed exception when enemies stepping on bear traps.
  • Fixed Vile Gremlin fleeing behavior. Vile Gremlins will now flee directly away from the nearest enemy, instead of wandering in the area.
  • Fixed Town Guards being classified as named NPCs, instead of the intended name "Town Guard".
  • Enchanting - fixed alternate items appearing in disenchant list.
  • Enchanting - fixed able to learn the same enchantment more than once.
  • Enchanting - fixed known enchantment scrolls not showing the "previously read" green checkmark.
  • Enchanting - fixed when you learn an enchantment through disenchanting, it doesn't count as "read" from a scroll of that enchantment.
  • Enchanting - fixed "Crystal conservation" passive not considered when checking if player has enough crystals to enchant an item.
  • Enchanting - fixed "Crystal conservation" not updating the displayed required crystals.
  • Fixed unarmed ability "Defensive Blows" shield not reducing damage as expected.
  • Fixed archery ability "Hit Weaving" not applying the status effect.
  • Fixed nature abilities "Calming Touch" and "Nature's Grasp" requiring ammo if cast while holding a crossbow.
  • Fixed toggle abilities, such as "On Guard" granting XP while travelling in the overworld.
  • Fixed shield amount not refreshing when out of combat, despite shields being reduced by 1 each turn.
  • Fixed arbalism ability "Targeted Destruction" giving the 3rd proc a turn early after the first.
  • Fixed weapon toggle ability exploit where player could activate a toggle ability, switch to an invalid weapon for that toggle, and the toggle would stay active.
  • Reading - fixed "Master Scholar" passive allowing player to study the same book twice. Books will now appear a maximum of once in the study list.
  • UI - fixed issue with text wrapping, where tooltips, books text, ability descriptions, or other multi-line text would sometimes not wrap correctly to a new line.
  • UI - fixed scaling bugs: ability tooltips, item tooltips, dream selection, recipe requirement, and discovered skills tooltip.
  • UI - fixed scroll-bar issue, where when categories were collapses or expanded, the scrollbar would jump out of bounds and/or scrollable content would not align correctly.
  • UI - fixed tooltip title spacing which would in some cases go out of bounds.
  • UI - fixed when talking to an NPC wound icons are still displayed, despite the hotbar being hidden.
  • Text log - fixed counter strike damage not showing in log.
  • Text log - improve clarity for for strikes, parries, and deflected attacks, combining the text into a single line "Gremlin attacks, you counter dealing 7".
Other Changes
  • Updated recipe tooltips to display the output amount of recipes that produce more than 1 of an item, for example the bread recipe tooltip shows "Produces 2x Bread".
  • Items marked as favorite are now hidden from trade windows.
  • Reading window - books currently being studied are now highlighted orange.
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