It took me 3-4 days to fix a lot of problems in the game and make some minor adjustments according to the players' suggestions:
The first is the wave function collapse algorithm. Since recursive calculation may cause scene jump stuck in extreme cases, I processed the scene into blocks, and made the scene compute a small part of independent wave function first in the process of procedural generation, and then splicing, and modified the splicing logic. It helped me a lot
The second is the model loss problem, here I have to admit is my personal problem, I accidentally set the box ground model in Unity editor to "static", resulting in the game can only see the box, but can not see the ground below the box, the same as the enemy generation position, directly formed a void. Good guy
For the main menu, I removed the broken screen slider animation from the initial load, because it really slowed down the start of the game, and I wanted the player to get into the scene faster when playing my game. This is true to the game's purpose, it is a casual game that can be used to kill time, and can be played quickly at any time, or shut down quickly to return the perspective to the tabletop task
Finally, regarding terrain, I added two obstacle terrain types to the game, which are added to random blocks of wave function collapse. One is a road block that allows the player to pass, but periodically has damaging meteorites falling; The other is an obstacle block that the player is not allowed to pass through, which periodically shoots fire in one direction, creating a brief barrier to the road, which enriches the strategy of the scene
I'm constantly adding new game elements to the game, including but not limited to enemy types, setting elements, and game mechanics. I'd like to say that it was very enjoyable and rewarding for me, from a hobby point of view I really enjoyed designing games, from a profit point of view it might be a great addition to my career path, and most importantly, I was able to keep improving my programming skills
- Finally, I would like to thank every player who played the game for your support, and I am very sorry for all kinds of problems and bugs that appeared in the game before. At present, the problems in the game before have been basically solved one by one, and if there are other problems later, I will quickly fix them after receiving feedback
Changed files in this update