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Noble Fates update for 14 March 2023

Kingdom Crier #20: Door Locks and Roadmap Update!

Share · View all patches · Build 10748238 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Welcome to Kingdom Crier #20 Kontras.

Until now, Barricades have represented the state of the art in Kingdom Security.

The Builders have spent some time standing around with gears above their heads and discovered...

Door Locks!
Use these to keep your spaces secure

Door Locks control access to your important spaces and keep Bandits away from your goods. These Unlock at Building Level 5 and cost 24 Copper to add to a Door. Adding a Lock doubles the Health of a door.

Leverage the new permissions UI to control access

Doors with Locks close more quickly than those without - but beware of tailgaters! Permissions prevent someone from opening a Locked Door, but anyone can walk through a door that's already open!

Beware of tailgaters!

The existing Lock system has been renamed to Barricades, retaining the previously functionality. The discovery of Locks has lowered the difficulty of Barricades to Building Level 2 and the cost to 12 Wood. Barricading a Door doubles its health - giving you a little extra time to get into position and dispatch attackers.

The trusty Barricade

Finally, you can Barricade a Locked Door to stack the Health boosts for added protection!

Patch Notes

Noble Fates Released!
Content Update #16

Fix for multiple crashes related to Combat  
Fix for crash related to Items Decaying  

Add Door Locks  
Door Locks add the ability to control access to spaces  
Unlock at Building 5  
Ingredients: 24 Copper  
Other Factions can grant the Player access to their locks  

Door Barricades  
Existing Door Locks are now known as Door Barricades  
Move to Tactical Research Category  
Unlock at Building 2  
Ingredients: 12 Wood  
Update Visuals  

Reports (thanks!)  
Improve Unreachable Detection  
Fix broken pathing when Stairs are built above a Terrain Ramp  
Improve reporting when Cooking is Disabled for all Available Ingredients  
Fix for multiple instances of dispatched parties not returning  
Fix for bug that allowed an attempt to path to unreachable space  
Fix for Pathing issue related to Stairs  
Fix for Pathing issue related to Uncrated Props  

Show Locked Recipes by default  

Prevent Raiders from Deserting their Kingdom during Retreat  

Don't Select Hidden Blueprints when Right-Click Ordering  

Increase rate of Terrain Grass regrowth```

### Roadmap Update!

It's been a bit - so let's update the Roadmap!

As a reminder - there are 3 types of updates for Noble Fates - Updates that address bugs and issues (including those that are listed on the Backlog and those that you Report in-game); Content Updates that focus on expanding existing systems and filling them with additional content; and Feature Updates that add new features to the game expanding the overall breadth of what the game has to offer.

#### Priority Fixes

_Progress against the Priority Fixes that we outlined on 8/9_![](

Fixed 65+ additional crashes, bringing the total to 165+!

Go on Adventures to Help your neighbors out  
Delegate to followers and stay home if you prefer

Fine Stone Building Tier  
Made from Stone Blocks  
Adds Arches, Spires, and Portcullis  

Tactical Props  
Buildable Catapults  
Useful Chevals

Great against Projectiles  
Block Animal and Monster Attacks

Added Crime Tracking  
Factor Crime into Esteem Changes

Kingdoms Map  
Reworked and Improved

Demands and Gifts  
From other Rulers based on their Opinions of you

Added Pastures to keep Tames contained  
Added ability to eat from Stockpiles

Added Wolves  
Added Hunted Notification

Dangerous Animal Event  
Added Dangerous Animal Event

Improved Imp Behavior  
Improved Breacher Behavior  
Spawning Improvements  

Rabid Animals  
Improved Flow and Difficulty

Character Visuals  
Less Crazy Combinations  
Added Character Appearance Editor

Conversation Refinement  
Surface inconsequential opinions Less  
Less need to talk to your people          

Improved Fine Camera Panning  
Added Camera Panning Settings  

Added in-game Reporting tool

Added Versioning```  
That's a lot of changes! It's worth noting how much of our effort we've been able to put towards improvements and content instead of fixes! We have a pretty stable game now.

_Current Priorities_  

Localization has climbed the list and is under way now. It's a complicated task for a game with so much procedural text, but we're hard at work on it. It will likely land between Feature Update #5 and Feature Update #6.

Beyond that, there are a number of systems and interfaces that could use their second pass to streamline and improve the player's experience, so those are starting to become important to us.

#### Content Updates

_We've released 16 Content Updates so far!_  

There have been 3 Content Updates since the last Roadmap Update!  
```Content Update #14: Wolves  
Content Update #15: Mortal Customization  
Content Update #16: Door Locks```  
We'll continue to work on these and release them as they're ready,

#### Feature Updates

Finally, we have the Feature Updates. As a reminder, 8 of these will arrive during Early Access. 4 have landed so far.  
_Feature Update #4: The Adventure Update!_![]([/url]

#### Feature Update #5

Feature Update #5 is well underway, recently crossing the half way point of development. As with The Adventure Update, we're taking on and tackling deeper changes to the game to expand on the mid-game. Stay tuned for details!

#### Early Access Status

We're more than half way through what we set out to accomplish with Early Access. We're tracking behind our original schedule - due primarily to increasing breadth and quality of our Feature Updates - but we have been successful enough that we have plenty of runway to reach 1.0.

Thank you so much for your support and patience!

### Community Corner

_cypr` stood up this cozy village in one of their playthroughs..._![](

_and this sick castle in another!_  

### Discord

Join the Official [Discord]( to participate in Development!  

### Reviews

If you like the game, please consider leaving a Review. These can help players decide that Noble Fates is worthy of their attention.

Thanks for reading and thanks for playing!  
The Noble Fates Team
Noble Fates Content Depot 1769421
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