I want thank to everyone who already purchased or whislisted the game in this stage.
Im happy to say that pvp match is going better and any found combat bugs are being fixed.
This is the start of the next phase,i take feedback seriously.
So im already working on character animation upgrades,balance,etc.
Ver. 0.4.9 released!
- heroD,heroZ lobby buttons sound bug fix
- heroS,heroX smoothing movement animations cross
- heroS,heroX,riggs layers set updated
- all items objects pref updated
- heroS spell_2 net action upgraded
- keepers layers cast upgraded,optimalizated
- keepers action to spell_2 from heroes rebuild set
- healthbar values and call sync onoff bug fix
- disabled automatic healthregen
- created health potion on the key Q,with cooldown for heroS,heroX set
- levelup notice above hero set
- on dead animation action bug,paused net bug fix
- win,lose panel updated bug fix - feedback
- movement animations rebuilding in process,heroS for now
- for now heroD,heroZ locked
- healthPotion "redsquare" active for now with the Q key ,cooldown 5sec + 100hp,healthRegen disabled!
To play the game,now you need to control 16 keys + chat
- levelUP is now better displayed
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Thank you!
Martin Husar
Changed files in this update